In your life, where do you see slopes?
Answer varies
What is the slope of the black line?
slope = y/x = 1/2
is found on the number line
Between 0 and 1
When you use a kind of slope in life, what can be the different outcomes of a bigger slope and a smaller slope?
Answer varies
What is the slope for the blue line?
Slope = 3
Which one is bigger,
1/2 or 1/3
In your life, what can you graph into a slope?
Answer varies.
What is the slope of the red line?
Slope = 1
Which one is bigger, -2 or -3?
What are common among fractions, ratios, slopes, rate of change?
What is ordered pair?
If we talk about our ages changing with years, what is the slope?
What is the slope of the line connecting (0, 0) and (2, 6)
x-7 = 17
The term to describe how fast something changes.
The rate of change
If we talk about how many school report cards you have got in middle school, which changes with the years you are in school, what is the rate of change?
The slope of the line connecting (1, 3) and (5, 5)
1/2 x = 4
What is 8?