Play focused on adult skills (these skills teach them how to act in herd)
ends when puberty hits
What is juvenile phase?
Identify species, sexual partners, herd
what is imprinting?
The simplest form of learning, doesn’t require a stimulus, developed through repeated and prolonged exposure to a single stimulus without reinforcement
what is the definition of associated learning?
matching a neutral cue (clicker) to a direct cue (bowing)
what is classical conditioning
at 4 weeks-12 weeks, play with other horses, mutual groom, and snapping
What is socialization phase?
repeated response to stimulus until it’s extinct, horse is fully in control
what is habituation
trial and error
what is operant conditioning
two hours long, full learns to stand, walk, nurse and have maturation orientation
what is neonatal phase?
what is desensitization
we gradually get horse used to something by exposing it to the thing slowly and allowing it to move away
bonding to the dam and learning what its kind look like
what is imprinting
hit puberty, physical/ sexual development impacts behavior patterns
What is maturation of behavior phase
a horse will be very sensitive to something every time it’s presented
what is sensitization
learning from dam how to be a horse
what is socialization
in the first two weeks of life, great sense of development, mom teaches strategies and responses
what is transitional phase
horse can’t get away from something it is scared off and learns helplessness
what is flooding
horses learn things from other horses (how to cross water
what is imitation/observation