Q 15 min for 1:1/COA q 1 hr on inpatient and q 15min in ED
What is the frequency of required sitter documentation?
In ED only, no one other than care takers or parent/guardian.
What is ED visitation rules?
What is room safety checklist?
Assessed either in the emergency department, or upon admission to an inpatient unit.
Initial CSSR risk assessment
Required to be completed within 1 hour of application of violent restraint
What is Face to Face documentation for violent restraints.
Cellphone, bottled water, book bag, purse, lunch bag
What is personal items not allowed when sitting 1:1?
Purse, bags, cellphone placed in sitter observation room, locker, or car.
What is Visitor belongings process?
Ensure constant one-on-one monitoring by a health care worker, including when the patient sleeps and uses the bathroom. The patient should remain in direct sight of the healthcare worker.
What is high/1:1 risk suicide?
Re-assessed at 8am and 8 pm daily on moderate/high risk patients
What is CSSR re-assessment (since last contact)?
A drug/medication used as a restriction to manage the patients behavior or restrict the patients freedom of movement and not standard dose for patients condition.
What is a Chemical Restraint?
School work, reading books, personal cellphone device, cross word puzzles, use of snap chatting/instagram/facebook, CBL (Piedmont U)
What is items that keep a sitter from watching cameras or observing patient?
2 designated times (10a-11a and 5p-6p).
What is visitation hours for (inpatient) COA and ICU?
If the patient requires testing or a procedure that can't be performed on the unit, provide adequate supervision and maintain suicide precautions during the test or procedure to maintain patient safety.
What is high/1:1 risk suicide?
Requires 1:1 sitter unless downgraded by MD
What is High Risk CSSR?
What is "hard" restraints (violent) house with supervisor?
Remain alert and recognize that common items in the environment, such as shoelaces, drawstrings, phone cords, nurse call lights, patient gowns, sheets, towels, brassiere straps, pantyhose, robe belts, broken glass, razor blades, alcohol-based hand rubs, IV administration tubing, other tubing, and cleaning solutions, can all pose a risk to a patient with suicidal behavior.
What is unsafe items not allowed in room?
When a patient left unattended under the age of 18
When do you call DEFACS?
Communication will be completed when the monitor tech/1:1 sitter is handing off patients to the next shift or relieving for breaks/lunches
What is hand off?
Have you done anything, started to do anything, or prepared to do anything to end your life in the past 3 mo.?
What is high risk for suicide or 1:1?
Restraint that is temporarily utilized solely to promote healing and/or protect patients from injury d/t interfering with medical treatment.
What is non-violent restraint?
If the patient leaves or attempts to leave the room or the patients behavior is escalating
What is notify the nurse/Call Code Runner?
Create word/phrase used to share information with a family member that is not present with the patient during the hospital stay.
What is a passcode?
If the patient is combative and removal of the patient's clothing places the staff at risk, at a minimum the patient will be wanded and any dangerous items in their possession removed. The patient will be maintained on 1:1 continuous observation and ongoing attempts will be made to change the patient into paper scrubs as their level of agitation decreases. Documentation should reflect the reason for variance from the expected search procedure and ongoing efforts to secure the patient's clothing. )
What is changing into paper scrubs?
Have you started to work out or worked out the details of how to kill yourself? Did you intend to carry out this plan?
What is high risk or 1:1 for suicide?
Restraint that is temporarily utilized when a patient has demonstrated violent behavior to self/others and alternatives ineffective
What is Violent Restraints?