Therapeutic Communication
Bipolar Disorder
Psychiatric Medications

Name three nontherapeutic communication techniques.

overhelping, controlling, narcissism, transference, counter transference, blurred boundaries, judging, shaming, dismissing, blocking, unavailability, inconsistency 


Which type of bipolar is classified as: at least 1 episode of persistent, elevated, expansive or irritable mood (mania) and at least one clearly recognizable episode of major depression

Bipolar 1


True or False: children with depression may present with irritability instead of depressed mood.



This gender and age group have the highest suicide rate.

Elderly men

Name three foods that should be avoided when a patient is taking an MAOi.

tyramine, fermented foods, aged foods, and certain beverages


Of the three phases of the nurse patient relationship, which phase does laying expectations, setting parameters, and starting termination of the relationship.



A decreased need for sleep and a lot of daytime sleepiness can be clues to __________. 



Name three risk factors for depression.

History of depressive episodes (personal or family member)

History of suicide attempts (personal or family member)

Member of LGBTQ+ community

Female gender

Age 40 or younger

Postpartum period

Chronic Medical Illness

Absence of social support

Negative, stressful life events

Active alcohol or substance use

History of sexual abuse


The national suicide hotline number is:



This medication reduces anxiety without immediate sedative and mildly euphoric effects of others in the same class.



A patient has just received distressing news about their diagnosis. They seem withdrawn and quiet.

Discuss the importance of nonverbal communication in this context.

  1. Nonverbal communication is crucial as it can convey empathy and support; maintaining eye contact, nodding, and an open posture can help the patient feel more comfortable and understood.

A mnemonic for bipolar symptoms is DIG FAST.  This stands for:

Distractibility, Impulsivity, Grandiosity, Flight of ideas, Activity, Sleep needs diminish, Talkative


                      ----Daily Double----

What theory is based on the assumption that biological predisposition with stressors equals decreased neurotransmitter receptor sites.

Stress diathesis theory


Give an example of three factors that increase an individuals risk for suicide. 

Health: Comorbid mental health problems

Environmental: Access to means, prolonged stress in relationships, bullying, loss of employment, divorce, exposure to suicide either known or through media

Historical: Previous attempts, family history of suicide or adverse childhood events

Neurobiologic aspects of suicide: Strong association between suicide & low serotonin.

Noradrenergic systems: Overactivity associated with severe anxiety, agitation, and a high suicidal risk.

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis: Suicide victims often exhibit HPA axis abnormalities.

Genetic factors: Suicide clusters develop in some families

Societal factors: No social supports to combat negative events and severe stress.

Psychologic factors: Psychotic tendencies result in increased risk


This mood stabilizer can cause changes in hydration status.



Explain how using open-ended questions can enhance communication with the patient.

Using open-ended questions encourages the patient to express themselves more fully, facilitating a deeper conversation and allowing the nurse to understand the patient's concerns and emotions better.


Rapid cycling consists of      or more distinct episodes of alternating mania and depression in a      month period. Usually indicates more severe symptoms and resistance to treatment.

4 episodes and 12 months


This treatment for depression focuses on identifying and testing negative thoughts, developing alternative thinking patterns, and rehearsing new cognitive and behavioral responses.

Cognitive behavioral health 


"I will not be bothering you any more" is an example of what type of statement?



This class of medications can cause a hypertensive crisis.



You are caring for a bipolar who appears anxious and expresses feelings of fear and uncertainty about the future.

Describe two therapeutic communication techniques you would use to support this patient.

Active listening: This involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what the patient says.

Empathy: This involves recognizing the patient’s feelings and validating their emotions.


What classification of bipolar has a high risk of suicide?

Mixed bipolar 


                     ---- Daily Double ----

A single episode of symptoms exhibit what type of depression: depressed mood most of the day, markedly diminished pleasure in all or most activities, hypersomnia, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness or excessive, inappropriate guilt, diminished ability to concentrate, recurrent suicidal ideation without a plan.  

Major Depressive Disorder 

May be a single episode or recurrent

5 or more of the following symptoms present during the same two week period and include depressed mood or anhedonia

Depressed mood most of the day

Markedly diminished pleasure in all or most activities

Significant weight loss when not dieting

Insomnia or hypersomnia

Psychomotor agitation or retardation

Fatigue or anergia – 97% of people with depression have this

Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness or excessive, inappropriate guilt

Diminished ability to concentrate or indecisiveness

Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation with or without a plan


What patient education would you give a parent regarding behaviors that are concerning for a potential suicide attempt.

Sudden behavioral changes include:

Giving away prized possessions

Writing farewell notes

Making out a will

Putting personal affairs in order

Failing to sleep or fall asleep for more than one night in a row (global insomnia)

Exhibiting sudden or unexpected improvement in mood after being depressed and withdrawn

Neglecting personal hygiene


The therapeutic range for Lithium is ______.

0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L 

Mild toxicity: 1.5 to 2.5 mmol/L (millimoles per liter). Moderate toxicity: 2.5 to 3.5 mmol/L. Severe toxicity: Higher than 3.5 mmol/L
