For a behaviorist, learning is about making these.
What does "unconditioned" mean?
Natural - not learned.
A cookie is this type of reinforcer
This psychological concept refers to the reduced response to a repeated stimulus
This is the key difference between fixed and variable schedules.
Fixed schedules are predictable, while variable schedules are unpredictable
This Russian psychologist is most closely ... associated ... with classical conditioning
Your boy Ivan Pavlov
If Pavlov's dogs salivate at any sound, this process would explain their behavior.
Carla came home after curfew, and had her phone taken away. This is called
Negative Punishment
Connecting a CS to an additional CS is called this.
Higher-order conditioning
This type of reinforcement schedule delivers reinforcement for every correct response.
Continuous Reinforcement
Behavioral Psychology is largely unconcerned with these.
Feelings or unobservable behaviors
In John Watson's "Little Albert" study, this was the unconditioned stimulus
The loud noise
Edward Thorndike proposed this idea, stating that Behaviors with favorable consequences are likely to be repeated, while those with unfavorable consequences are less likely to be repeated
The Law of Effect
If a toddler stops being rewarded for good behavior, and subsequently stops behaving well, this can be said to have happened.
This type of partial reinforcement produces the highest rate of response.
Variable Ratio
John Watson
In classical conditioning, this is the order of presentation of the US and CS
CS immediately before US
To modify a complicated behavior, a therapist would reward these
Successive approximations
This term explains the reappearance of a CR after extinction when the CS and UCS are paired again
Spontaneous Recovery
This reinforcement schedule is in place when you get a free salad after purchasing 10 salads in the cafeteria.
Fixed Ratio
The behavioral perspective can be seen as a historical response to and rejection of this psychological perspective.
Freudian / Psychodynamic
A neutral stimulus
This concept explains animals reverting to natural behaviors despite reinforcement
Instinctive Drift
This is known as the worst trade in Chicago Cubs history.
Brock for Broglio
This schedule of reinforcement has a moderate response rate, but also features pauses after reinforcement.
Fixed interval.