True or false: A person's values, beliefs, and attitudes are a part of his or her identity and do not change throughout a person's life.
What is false?
Feelings such as fear, joy, anger, anxiety.
What is emotions?
Tree pose, Downward facing dog, Forward Fold, Child's pose, Cat pose, Cobra Pose
What are yoga poses?
The ability to keep a positive outlook and focus on the good aspects of stressful situations
What is optimism?
A person's ability to bounce back from a stressful or traumatic event?
What is Resilience?
Physical, Social, Active, Psychological
What are the four different parts of a person's identity?
Important skill to have to help control your emotions by identifying and accepting what you feel, and expressing those emotions in healthy ways.
What is emotional awareness?
What are the three stages of stress?
The body's way to responding to stress
What is fight or flight response?
Identify your feelings, accept them, express them in healthy positive ways, use "I" statements
What are steps you can use to control your emotions?
Factors that affect self esteem.
What is self image, social interactions with family members, friends, and others, home, school, community, and cultural environments, life events and personal experiences, and media?
The difference between pleasant and unpleasant emotions.
What is positive feelings that make you feel good and negative feelings that make you feel bad?
Acute, chronic, routine, major life event, or traumatic
What is the level of stressors?
The difference between emotional intelligence and emotional awareness.
What is emotional intelligence is generally said to include a few skills: emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name one's own emotion?
Repeated exposure to severe and chronic stressors may cause...
What is toxic stress?
Five strategies you can follow to build your self esteem.
What is eat healthy, get enough sleep, be physically active, do activities you enjoy, spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself, do something nice for someone else, make a list of your skills and abilities, focus on your strengths and positive qualities, work on improving your weaknesses ECT
Empathy, optimism, and gratitude
What are the characteristics of having high emotional intelligence?
Shift focus to something positive, see mistakes and disappointments as opportunities to learn and grow
What are ways to avoid stress based from negative thoughts?
The difference between self-esteem and self-image.
What is how you see yourself (self-esteem) and what is how you feel about yourself(self-image)?
What is emotional awareness?
Seven characteristics people with positive mental and emotional health.
What is having thirst for life, being responsible, maintaining a sense of balance, being trustworthy, being respectful, being compassionate and kind, and being a good citizen?
People who are able to control negative emotions, have optimism, have empathy, and show gratitude and resilience.
Who are people with high emotional intelligence?
If you experience symptoms of stress or trauma for more than a few weeks or if you feel as if you cannot manage your stress or trauma on your own you should do this.
What is recognizing when you should seek professional help for stress?
What is progressive muscle relaxation?