What is "cinque"?
Italian for the number 5
English word for "bianco"
What is "white"
What is "Buon giorno!"
Italian for "hello"
or "good day"
Next number in the sequence: sei, sette, _____
What is "otto"? (oht-toh)
English word for "verde"
What is "green"?
Italian way to say "Thank you"
What is "Grazie"?
PG had "due" croissants. How many croissants did he have?
PG only had 2?
English word for "rosso"
What is "red"?
English word for "padre"
What is father?
Italian way to say
"You're Welcome"
What is "Prego"?
Automobile company, "Audi" designed the "Audi Quattro"
Translate that: Audi ______
What is "four"?
English word for "arancione"
What is orange?
What is "amico"?
Italian word for friend
What does
"Mi chiamo, PG" mean?
"My name is PG"
one more than "nove"
What is "dieci"? or 10
What colors are these and which flag?
"Rosso", "bianco" and "verde"?
Italian for the colors of the flag of Italy: Red, white and green
What is "nonno"
Italian word for grandfather
English for "Come stai?"
What is "How are you?"