What does ATTEND stand for?
Attuned, trust, therapeutic touch, egalitarianism, nuance, death education
What is an example of an unexpected life event?
These can include, but are not limited to chronic illness, hospitalization, physical and/or mental trauma, move to a long-term care facility
What is on the cover of the first Twilight novel?
Two hands holding an apple
Name a potential outcome of using this framework.
Reduced risk for clients, post-traumatic growth, better outcomes for families and individuals, provider esteem and satisfaction.
What should be included in a family assessment?
Family structure, environmental data, family strengths, family supports.
In what class did Bella first meet Edward?
What kind of touch is best effective to show intimacy in a death context?
Neutral touches, such as the top of the hand, the nearest shoulder, or upper, midback, are most appropriate, particularly when within the safety of a trusting relationship that is sensitive to cultural idiosyncrasies.
How can you sustain a caring workplace environment conducive to family-centred practice?
Ensuring that nursing staff are oriented to family-centred care, including family assessment; ensuring that nurses have the awareness and ability to effectively access resources; providing ongoing opportunities for professional development for nursing staff, including knowledge and skills regarding family-centred care.
Who directed the first (and best) Twilight movie?
Catherine Hardwick
How does "egalitarianism" influence clinical decision making?
It balances power between provider and patient, resulting in shared, informed decisions about medical procedures, end-of-life care, and death rituals.
What are the “5 R’s” to promote health in expected and unexpected life events?
Respect, recognition, resources, responsibility, results.
What is Bella's power as a vampire?
Sheild - both mental and physical
What is "thanatologically-focused continuous education"?
What is an example of an interfamilial resource?
Support groups unique to the family’s needs, newsletters, organized educational programs for families related to specific skills training, friends or families to help with housekeeping, dietary needs, transportation and companionship.
What song plays during Bella and Edward's dance during prom? (Bonus points for song title + artist)
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine