Lehi's family left Jerusalem approximately this many years before the coming of Jesus Christ
What is 600?
This is Lehi's third oldest son
Who is Sam?
The gold plates were found buried in this hill in upper state New York
What is the Hill Cumorah?
A golden ball that served as a guide to Lehi's family in the wilderness
What is the Liahona?
This ran along the straight and narrow path for people to hold onto as they approached the tree of life.
What is the rod of iron?
This faithful servant of Laban joined Lehi's family in the wilderness
Who is Zoram?
Lehi's sons visited this man's home in hopes of finding someone to marry
Who is Ishmael?
The total number of witnesses who provided written testimony of the gold plates as printed in the Book of Mormon
What is 11? (3 witnesses plus 8 witnesses)
The well-known scripture that reads, "And my father dwelt in a tent"
What is 1st Nephi 2:15?
The fruit of the tree of life in Lehi's dream is this color.
What is white?
This family patriarch and friend of Lehi's family dies on their journey in the wilderness
Who is Ishmael?
Lehi and his family were descendants of this well-known biblical prophet
Who is Joseph?
This school teacher was the primary scribe for Joseph Smith in translating the Book of Mormon
Who is Olivery Cowdery?
The bow that Nephi broke was made of this
What is steel?
What is joy? ("exceedingly great joy")
The plates Lehi's sons were sent to obtain from Laban were made of this
What is brass?
These two sons of Lehi were born in the wilderness
Who are Jacob and Joseph?
This person showed the gold plates to the 8 witnesses
Who is Joseph Smith?
This was used by Nephi as a template for making other swords to defend themselves
What is the Sword of Laban?
This arose as people in Lehi's dream started on the path to the tree, and led them to lose their way.
What is a mist of darkness?
This is where Nephi went while he and his brothers were building their ship to receive guidance and direction from the Lord
What is the mount? (or mountain)
Lehi gave this to his sons and many of his grandchildren before his death
What is a blessing?
These 3 witnesses were shown the Book of Mormon by an angel
Who are Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris?
Nephi made two sets of plates; both were called this
The plates of Nephi
These three family members of Lehi partook of the fruit of the tree in his dream.
Who are Sariah, Sam, and Nephi