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When someone says „раскомоти се“, how are they welcoming you into their space?

"They're saying 'My home is your home.'"


"When a Macedonian speaker says 'Она што е блиску до окото е блиску до срцето', how might it relate to missing family or friends who are overseas?"

"Those close to the eyes are close to the heart, meaning those we see often are dear to us."


What importance does the proverb "семејството е столбот на сѐ" hold in Macedonian culture?

It means "The family is the foundation of everything," emphasising the central role of family in our life and identity.


What does the Macedonian proverb "кој на друг гроб му копа, сам во него паѓа" (He who digs a pit for his brother falls into it) convey about our actions toward others?

if you try to harm others, you may end up hurting yourself. It is important to treat others well as in Macedonian culture. 


"If someone says 'дома си е дома (домот е во срцето)', how might they express their feelings of connection to their original homeland?"

They are saying "Home is in the heart."


"If someone mentions 'пријател во случај на потреба е навистина пријател', what are they emphasizing about the role of friends during challenging times?"

"A true friend is there for you during hard times"


How do Macedonian-speaking families living in Australia often maintain their cultural identity and ensure a sense of belonging?

They might celebrate traditional festivals, cook traditional foods, speak Macedonian at home, and maintain connections with the wider Macedonian-speaking community.


If an individual shares, 'моите искуства ме направија тоа кој сум денес', what are they attributing their current identity to?"

"They are attributing their personal experiences for shaping who they are today."


"When someone uses the phrase 'гостин в куќи е како трендафил во градина', what sentiment are they conveying about guests in Macedonian traditions?"

"A guest in the house is like a flower in the garden. It implies that guests bring joy, beauty, and freshness to a household."


If your close friend was going through a challenging time, which of the following phrases would you likely say to comfort and support them?

A) "Благодарам за сѐ"  

B) "Тука сум ако ти притребам" 

Тука сум ако ти притребам.


The Arabic proverb "кога ќе се враќаш дома од пат, донеси нешто дома, макар и камен да е" (When you return from a trip, bring back something for your family—even if it is only a stone) What does this tradition tell about family ties and belonging in Arabic culture?

The act shows care and memory of the family, even when its a small gesture like bringing back a stone upon returning, showing the importance of sharing experiences with family.


The saying "нов јазик, нов живот" translates to "A new language is a new life." How can learning a language impact our sense of belonging?

Learning a language connects us to new cultures, broadening our understanding and become part of a larger community.


"What does 'домот е столб на животот' convey about the importance of having a stable home?"

"Home is the foundation of life."


Considering the proverb 'пријателот е како ѕвезда на небото', how might friends influence our paths and decisions in life?"

Friends, like bright stars, can guide, inspire, and influence our choices, shaping our sense of identity and belonging.


What does the Macedonian proverb "сложни браќа, куќа прават" (A house divided cannot stand) suggest about family unity?

When a family is united, its members feel a stronger sense of belonging and support.


"If someone tells you, 'моите традиции и обичаи ме прават тоа што сум', what are they attributing their identity to?"

 "They are attributing their identity to their traditions and customs."
