Company charter
Team building
Project Man.
final project

What are the four growth rings






How does Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1970 version) correspond to Hertzberg's theory?

The four lower levels are hygiene factors, and the four higher ones are motivators


What is a Kanban board?

a notice board that uses sticky notes that migrate through the project cycles. It is a form of agile project management.


With respect to coaching, a good company in Canada has a minimal obligation to do what?

train you or make you a better worker


What is meant by resource management?

All of the resources based on the tasks (WBS, Gantt, start up expenses) in detail. For example space, cash (How much), help (how many, how long), equipment (all and how long), etc.


what is involved in a company charter?

Mission, vision, values, rules/regulations, lean canvas, structure and type


Meredith Belbin's nine team roles are divided into three distinct categories. What are they?

action orientated 

people orientated

thinking orientated


What should be done prior to making a Gantt Chart?

Work Breakdown Structure

delegation, resources, standards and tests


What is Maxwell's five levels of leadership?

Position, permission, production, people development, Pinnacle 


What is expected in your last team meeting?

360evaluation of all members. What they did well, what they could improve on, what should be changed next time. There is also a marked evaluation you must give Todd. I hope you are prepared.


what three factors effect organizational structure?



best practice


What are the five team stages of development of the Tuckman model? 

Forming, storming, norming, preforming, adjuring 

How does project scope differ from project charter?

Scope is how the project is done with all the variables recorded in a binder (about 200 pages).

Charter is an external document for stakeholders that answer ten distinct questions. One of which is a brief summary of scope.


Goleman's six types of leadership styles are controversial, because of what?

All six are valid under certain conditions and good leaders should be able to incorporate all them in at sometime in their style.


Your project and presentation is written specifically for whom?

external stake holders


Which two environmental scans did we combine for your project? and why? 

PESTLE and SWOT.  it gives a more in-depth analysis with mitigation 


What are the three elements of Edgar Schein's cultural theory? And briefly what do they mean?

artifact - tangible manifestations of culture (uniform)

values - what is important to the company and client

assumptions - things we expect and are disappointed if not done (hygiene factors)


What are a PERT and a CPM, with relations to project planning phase?

Program Evaluation and Revue Technique is a visual representation of the tasks with time dependency. The Critical Path Method, uses the shortest time through the PERT, so as to be the most effective.


Which motivational style best promotes the needs of a new worker through the promotion of 



and mastery 

Daniel Pink's theory


There are twelve points for your team feedback. Name six of them.

specific, nonpersonal, work related, documentable, descriptive, nonprescriptive, timely, frequent, purposeful, constructive and balanced, appropriate setting, interactive


What nine sections are listed on a lean canvas?

Problem, solution, unique value proposition, unfair advantage, customer segment, key metrics, channels, cost and revenue


Of the three types of communication of Edgar Schein's (task, maintenance, disruptive) culture, what is suggested to deal with the SMART PHONE JUNKIE?

Set rules early

address anytime it happens

find alternatives so it does not continue to happen

(if it still happens after this, then the person is not abiding by the rules, and is disruptive)


What does the follow up consist of? And what is done in these sections?

1.verification - were all the tasks done, if not why? Did more need to be added, and why?

2.Continuation - how will the outcome survive after the completion of the project, what resources and procedures are needed?

3.Effectiveness - how well was it done, and is there more to do to be viable?

4.Best practices - what was learned in case of another project? What will be done differently?


what is the difference between KPAs and KPIs in performance management techniques?

KPAs are standards aligned with the organizational goals

KPIs are the tests shown by metrics (numbers)


What part of the course is not acceptable to put into your final report?

Actually, any of the topics could be. Therefore there is nothing that would not be acceptable in this report.
