Who is the Main character?
When was Ben and the League of Superfriends 1 created?
Sept. 17
Bald man who is old
Professor Evil
When is the anime being released?
Somewhen in 2025
Ben and Brianna like eachother secretly.
Who kissed Ben in book 3?
Are there Zombies in book 2?
Yes its in the name
Leader of the L's
Why does Ben like Brianna
They liked eachother in second grade
New characters?
Robert, Nicole, and Gordy
When was Sam A. introduced?
Book 4 part 1
Where does Ben finds the Mega Gem?
He goes mining for fun :))
L member 1
Who is Professor Evil acted by in the movie?
Ben Foust
What is the anime's theme song?
This is How We Do It by Montell Jordan
When was Ollie introduced?
Book 1
What was the name of the book that introduced Mega Ben?
Ben and the League of SuperFriends 2: The Evil Zombie Overlords
L member 2
Where were the watches?
On a Green pulsating gem stuck underground in a cave.
I couldn't think of anymore...
questions ^\_(:))_/^
Who is gonna have a HUGE role in the Movie?
Brianna and Rennie
What are the Gems Ben uses to become Mega Ben?
The Mega Gems
L member 3
How fast is Mega Ben?
1,000,000 MPH
Is the anime called Benboys or Ben and the League of Superfriends?