What is Noh?
Japanese Theatre.
What is Kabuki?
Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese Theatre.
What is Banraku?
It is a traditional form of Japanese theatre, played by using puppets instead of actors.
What is Kyogen?
Kyogen is a form of traditional Japanese theatre. It is a comedy, and is played/acted out during intermission.
What types of costumes were in Noh?
Extravagant costumes with large robes, long hair, and masks.
The acting and costumes.
How serious is Banraku in Japan?
Is it counted as a form of art?
Banraku is considered a serious form of art in Japan.
What is a adjective of Kyogen theatre?
Ex: Cartoonish, fun, tired
Kyogen theatre is very cartoonish
Ex: Sharp, slow, calm
Noh actors make Sharp movements.
What type of people would come and watch Kabuki?
Kabuki theatre was for the "Common people", but got popular in later years.
What was Banraku the original art form of?
It is the original form of puppetry.
What type of theatre was Kyogen created under?
Kyogen was made through Noh theatre.
What do Noh actors try to act out?
Ex: Dogs, Speaking
They act out communication.
How do you pronounce "Kabuki"?
It is pronounced Ka-Bouk. In Japanese the U and I are almost silent.
How do you pronounce "Banraku"?
How do you pronounce "Kyogen"
What does Noh theatre include?
Music, dance, and acting to communicate
What word was Kabuki based on?
Kabuki was based on "kabuku" which meant strange or unusual.
What kind of puppets do the actors use?
They generally use very adjustable and puppets that they could move in lots of different ways to portray different emotions
What does are the common themes in Kyogen
Comical and funny themes