What is the sum of 34.076 and 229.79?
What is the GCF and LCM of 18 and 30?
GCF: 6
LCM: 90
What is the solution to: -8-3
What is 6 x (-4)
What is the quotient of 49.5 and 5.5?
What is the GCF and LCM of 28 and 70?
GCF: 14
LCM: 140
What is 6+(-11)?
What is (-117) ÷ 13
Estimate the difference between 78.1 and 2.093?
Using the distributive property: Write the sum as a product of the GCF:
75 + 90
15 (5 + 6)
What is (-9)+4+1
What is the product of -12.5 and 1 1/4
What is the product of 11.49 and 8.2?
56 +64
8 (7 + 8)
Brook has $45.67 in her account and then wrote a check for $85.75. What is her final balance?
- $40.08
Negative $40.08
(She has a negative balance, she owes more than she has)
If a=2 and b=-3.5 , what is the value of (-a)(b)
Which equation is equivalent to 18?
a) 11.52 / 0.72
b) 3.25 /0.5
c) 15.12/ 0.84
15.12/ 0.84 = 18
GCF: 11
LCM: 385
Ryan went hiking with friends, they started 14.6 meters above sea level, ascended 25.8 meters then descended 14.3 meters. Where did they end up?
26.1 meters
Find the product of 2.2, -0.4, and 3 1/2