Place Value and Decimals
Rounding and Ordering Decimals
Multiplication/Division Algorithm and Prime/Composite Numbers
Multiplying Decimals
Dividing Decimals

What number has 3 ones, 8 tens, and 5 hundreds?



How many numbers should be behind the decimal if rounding to the nearest tenth?

Nearest hundredth?

1 number behind the decimal if rounding to the nearest tenth.

2 numbers behind the decimal if rounding to the nearest hundredth.


Lucas lists the numbers between 20 and 30.

      21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29

How many of the numbers Lucas listed are prime numbers?

2 ( 23 and 29)


A dog drinks 3.5 bowls of water each day. Each bowl has 2.7 liters of water. How many liters of water does the dog drink throughout the day?

9.45 liters throughout the day


Janice has a large piece of rope candy. The candy is 11.4 inches long. She cuts the candy into equal lengths to share with herself and five friends.

Write an expression that represents the length of each piece of candy?

11.4 ÷ 6


What is the value of the 9 in the number 112,256.09 in expanded form?

9 x 0.01


9 x 1/100


What is 582.476 rounded to the nearest tenth?



There are 127 rows of apple trees on a farm. There are 53 apple trees in each row. What is the total number of apple trees on this farm?

6,731 apples trees on this farm


Graces math teacher drinks 2.3 mugs of coffee each day. Each mug has 1.8 cups of coffee. How much coffee does Grace’s math teacher drink in a day?

4.14 cups


Cole is saving money from his summer job. He wants to buy a new video game that costs 45.25. He will save the same amount each week for 5 weeks. How much money will Cole save each week for the video game?



A teacher wrote the number 54.672 on the board. Which expression represents the value of the 7 in expanded notation in the number 54.672?

(7 x 0.01)


(7 x 1/100)


A student used a phone app to round the number 496.854 to the nearest hundredth. What is the number rounded to the nearest hundredth?



Ms. Holmes has 967 crayons in her crayon bin for the classroom. She asks her students to put the crayons back into their boxes. Each box can hold 24 crayons. How many boxes will the students completely fill?

40 boxes will be completely filled


Mr. Smith makes two dozen cupcakes. Each cupcake weighs 27.2 grams. What is the weight of all the cupcakes in grams?

652.8 grams


What is the quotient when 0.84 is divided by 6?



Mr. Whitmore wrote a number in expanded notation. 

(5 x 10) + (1 x 1) + (4 x 0.1 ) + (6 x 0.001) 

What number did Mr. Whitmore represent in expanded notation?



Melissa ran 2.062 kilometers on Monday and 2.101 kilometers on Wednesday. Write a comparison that is true?

2.062 < 2.101


2.101 > 2.062


A company makes 625 cell phone cases each day. How many cases will the company make in 31 days?

19,375 phone cases


Jacob will buy candy to make classroom gifts for a class party. He will buy the following:

  • 24 chocolates for $0.33 each
  • 24 mints for $0.15 each

How much will Jacob spend on candy for his class party?



Four friends went to dinner together. The bill for dinner was 94.72. The friends split the bill equally. How much did each friend spend on dinner?



Hector received a check for one thousand seven hundred four dollars and ninety-six cents. How is the amount of his check written in expanded notation?

(1 x 1000) + (7 x 100) + (4 x 1) + (9 x 0.1) + (6 x 0.01)


Lana will put five books in order from least number to the greatest number.

   419.018  417.309   418.63    417.97    418.537

Which book will be in the fourth position? 



A farmer keeps cows in three different fields. There are 425 cows in the first field, 320 cows in the second field, and 641 in the third field. To feed the cows, the farmer splits all the cows evenly into 11 feeding pens. How many cows will be in each feeding pen?

126 cows in each pen


Franklin has a collection of 48 toy cars. Each toy car cost $1.42. What is the amount of money Franklin spent on his toy car collection?



A customer bought 12 apples at the market. When the cashier weighed the apples together, their total weight was 54.72 ounces. All the apples were the same weight in ounces. How much does one apple weigh in ounces?

4.56 ounces
