Revising & Editing

When reading the selection, how do you make inferences based on what you are reading? 

Use context clues, look for relevant details in the text, put your thoughts together, and come up with a conclusion in your own words. 


Name 4 different informational text features we might see

Photos, Graphs, Maps, Captions, Subtitles, Headings, Bold letters, etc. 


When do we have to use a FANBOYS word? 

You have 2 independent clauses that need to be combined using a comma AND a coordinating conjunction (FANNBOYS word)


Name AND define the strategy used for writing an Extended constructed response


Gather context, On topic, Rewrite kewords, Answer, Cite, Explain, Wrap it up, Include support, Nail it


What are the most important things you should look for when re reading/checking your essay for mistakes? 

Spelling, punctuation, quotation marks, run-on sentences, grammar. 

What details or support can an author put in an argumentative text to strengthen his/her argument? 

Direct evidence, reliable quotes, statistics, data, and facts.


What is the purpose of including different text features?

To further inform the reader about something related to the topic of the informational text. To illustrate something which helps the reader visualize what the author is talking about 


If there is word that you are not familiar with, what are some ways to infer the definition? 

Use context clues before and after that word. 

Give me an example of embedding a quote 
In paragraph 7 of the selection, the author states...

What are the three types of author's purpose 

To inform, to persuade, to entertain 


Where should the author's claim or argument go in their persuasive essay?

Introduction and conclusion 


Name the 5 text structures 

Compare and contrast, descriptive, problem solution, sequential, cause and effect

How do you combine 2 complete sentences? 

Add a comma and either a FANBOYS OR AAAWWUBBIS word. You do not have to change any of the content that is in the sentence. 


What MUST be included in your thesis statement and in all your quotes (Think about the prompt)? 

There must be keywords from the QUESTION in your thesis statement. Your quotes need to directly relate to the QUESTION


Give me an example of a sentence using an AAAWWUBBIS word. 

While I was at the store, I saw my best friend's mom. 


What are the three types of persuasive appeals/techniques  

Ethos, Pathos, Logos


What are some key words in a compare and contrast text structure? How do key words help us as the reader? 

different, similarly, unlike, in contrast, alike, both, also, however. Key words help us know what the reader is comparing or contrasting in the text. 


Combine these two sentences: 

Sam signed up for the highschool football team. He did not get in. 

Sam signed up for the highschool football team, but he did not get in. 


What are 4 things we need in our introductions? 

Tell me the title of the selection, the author, a short summary of the text, and your thesis statement. 


What are the 4 main things we need when writing a SHORT constructed response? 

Rewrite the question as a statement, answer the question, cite (quotes), and an explanation 


What is the purpose of including a counterargument when writing a persuasive essay? 

A counterargument shows that the writer has considered multiple sides of the issue. This in turn strengthens the author's claim and overall argument


MX bikes and mountain bikes are built in different ways. BMX bikes are great for tricks because they have a low, light frame and short tires. Mountain bikes have a high, heavy frame and thick tires. Body Sentences This makes them great for off-road riding on bumpy surfaces. Another way the two types of bikes differ is the number of gears. Mountain bikes have many different gears, but BMX bikes normally have just one gear. The number of gears relates to the main difference between the two bikes. Ending SentenceBMX bikes are built in a way that lets riders do tricks, while mountain bikes are built for off-road riding, including up and down hills.

Compare and contrast


When do you use a semicolon? 

You take 2 complete sentences (independent clauses) and combine them with a semicolon and WITHOUT a FANBOYS word.


What is your thesis statement?

The controlling idea or main point that will be discussed in your essay. The purpose of the essay


How can a character or setting influence the PLOT of a story? 

A character's actions or responses to what happens in a plot can change the course of events. The setting is important because it provides the context of where the characters are and the environment they are in. (Think back to the banana tree and the influence of the setting on the overall plot and outcome) 
