Energy of motion
What is Kinetic Energy
Salt water
What is Saline
200 points :)
Amount of Organisms born into a population
What is Birth Rate
What is a habitat
Amount of salt in water
What is salinity
Stored Energy
What is Potential Energy
This is the amount of fresh water available on Earth
What is 3%
Whats happening outside right now
What is weather
Amount of organisms that die in a population
What is death rate
Living things interacting with non-living things in their environment
What is an ecosystem
A group of the same species
What is a population
Energy transfer when two objects touch
What is conduction
Movement of water Globally
What is Global Water Movement
Weather over time
What is Climate
What is population density
What is a Herbivore
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If an object is in motion it has this
What is Mechanical Energy
Major Surface current bringing warmer water north
What is the Gulf Stream
Triangles on a weather map represent this front is moving through
What is a cold front
The arrows on a food chain and web show this
What is the flow of energy
Receives the most energy in a food chain
What is a producer
What is Radiation, Convection, and Conduction
Lakes, Rivers, and Streams
What is Fresh Water
Half circles on a weather map represent this front is moving through
What is a warm front
Moving into a population
What is Immigration
300 points :)
The effect of Earth's rotation on winds and currents
What is the Coriolis Effect
300 points :)
Small branches of water
What are tributaries
The calm middle of a hurricane or tornado
What is the eye
Moving out of a population
What is Emigration
Overlapping food chains
What is a Food Web
Building cities
What is urbanization
Total sum of all the particles in an object
What is Thermal Energy
Drains water into lakes and rivers
What is surface runoff
What is Fair or Nice Weather
400 points :)
This organism is at the top of a food chain
What is an Apex Predator
materials that don't conduct heat well
What are insulators
water rises, cools, sinks, repeats
What is a convection Current
500 points :)
Two types of tropical storms that are the same
What are hurricanes and typhoons
What is when one organism hunts and kills another for food
Five Symbiotic Relationships
What are Predation, Competition, Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism
As you move up each trophic level of an energy pyramid each level has less
What is Energy
Energy transfer through a liquid or a gas including air
What is Convection
Plants releasing water vapor
What is transpiration
This front brings mixed weather and clouds
What is an Occluded Front
What is Carrying Capacity
This process turns food into chemical energy
What is cellular respiration
The more of this in an ecosystem the more balanced the ecosystem
What is Biodiversity