Food chains
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Which adaptation would best help a water plant survive in the moving water of a stream?

A.    long roots    

B.    large leaves    

C.    sweet scent    

D.    white flowers

A. long roots


Which of the following is an example of a predator-prey relationship?

A.    A plant is a predator, and a fox is its prey.    

B.    A fox is a predator, and a bear is its prey.    

C.    A fox is a predator, and a rabbit is its prey.    

D.    A mouse is a predator, and a fox is its prey.

C.    A fox is a predator, and a rabbit is its prey.


Which of the following is the BEST explanation of a dominant trait and a recessive trait?

a. Dominant traits are seen and recessive are not.

b. Dominant traits are not seen and recessive are.

c. These two types are what people are made of.

d. Traits are what make up our DNA.

a. Dominant traits are seen and recessive are not.


Which part of an energy pyramid contains the largest number of organisms?

a-   comsumers

b-   producers

c-   tertiary consumers

d-   detritivores 

b-   producers


What is the simplest form of LIFE?

a. Atom

b. Molecule

c. Cells

d. Organism

c. cells


Which of the following is NOT an adaptation?

A. spiny leaves on cactus plants
B. caribou migrating for the winter
C. birds in a population with a variety of beak sizes
D. flower buds remaining dormant during cold weather

B. caribou migrating for the winter


What causes competition to occur in an environment?

A.    Good conditions make resources plentiful.    

B.    Organisms struggle for a limited resource.    

C.    Members of a population have different roles.    

D.    A population falls below the environment’s carrying capacity.

B.    Organisms struggle for a limited resource.


A Punnet square is used to predict:

a.   exact outcomes

b.   probable outcomes

c.   methods to reach all outcomes

d.   a scenario where recessive traits are displayed over dominant traits. 

b.   probable outcomes


A __________ can make its own food.

a- producer

b- consumer

c- decomposer

d- omnivore

a- producer


Which if the following is the correct sequence of organization:

a. tissue, cell, organ, organ system, organism

b. organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell

c. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

d. cell tissue, organ system, organ, organism

c. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism


What is one way the otter is adapted to living in the moving water of a river?

A.    It has sharp claws.    

B.    It has long whiskers.    

C.    It has a streamlined body.    

D.    It has an Earth-toned color.

C.    It has a streamlined body.


A close, long-term relationship between two species that usually involves an exchange of food or energy.

a-   symbiosis

b-   carrying capacity

c-   predation

d-   niche

a-   symbiosis


An inherited trait that increases an organism’s chance of surviving and reproducing is

A. a variation

B. natural selection

C. Evolution

D. an adaptation

D.   an adaptation


Produces glucose using energy in light

a- chemosynthesis

b- teritiary

c- photosynthesis

d- nitrogen fixation 

c- photosynthesis


What similarities does a dolphin and a oak tree have?

a.   Have cell walls

b.   Can make their own food

c.   Utilize photosynthesis

d.   Multicellular

d.   Multicellular


A population of bacteria becoming resistant after being exposed to antibiotics is an example of 

a- evolution

b- extinction

c- conservation biology

d- selective breeding

a- evolution


all the organisms of the same species that live in the same area at the same time.

A-   community

B-   Ecosystem

C-   Population

D-   Mutualism 

C-   Population


Mendel crossed two hybrid pea plants with dominant green pods and observed which ratio of pea pod color in offspring?
A. 1:3 yellow: green

B. 1:4 yellow: green

C. 1:3 green: yellow

D. 1:4 green: yellow

A. 1:3 yellow: green


Based on the information shown in the diagram, which answer best describes the relationship between hawks and coyotes?

A.    Coyotes are parasites of hawks.    

B.    Coyotes are predators of hawks.    

C.    Coyotes and hawks are both prey.    

D.    Coyotes and hawks compete for the same food.

D.    Coyotes and hawks compete for the same food.


Which of these statements describes a species?

A.    A species is a group of organisms that are closely related.    

B.    A species is a group of organisms that live in the same habitat.    

C.    A species is a group of organisms that live in an area and interact.     

D.    A species is a group of organisms that are closely related and produce fertile offspring.

D.    A species is a group of organisms that are closely related and produce fertile offspring.


Which of the following best describes what scientists consider when they study ecology?

A.    the interactions of organisms with their environment    

B.    the interactions of organisms with weather and climate    

C.    the interactions of organisms to reproduce and produce offspring    

D.    the interactions of organisms with one another and the environment

D.    the interactions of organisms with one another and the environment


Which term describes a relationship between two organisms that need the same resource?

  1. predation

  2. parasitism

  3. competition

  4. commensalism

3.  competition 


What is an example of an animal’s acquired trait?

a.  Length of Tail

b. Having fur

c.  Hunting

d. Stripes on the fur

B. Having fur


An energy pyramid displays the flow and loss of energy in an ecosystem.  How much energy is lost at each trophic level.

a- 90%

b- 10%

c- 100%

d- 99%

a- 90%


Through photosynthesis producers need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight.  What do they produce?

a- nitrogen and glucose

b- phosphorus and oxygen

c- oxygen and cellulose

d- oxygen and glucose

d- oxygen and glucose
