Antigone the Play
Random Qs

Name the 7 traits that make up a "Tragic Hero." 

Answer: Hamartia, Hubris, The Mistake, Anagnorisis, Perpeteia, Nemesis/ Catastrophe, and Catharsis. 


Who is Antigone and how many siblings does she have? (name all siblings)


Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and his mother Jocasta. She has 3 siblings (2 brothers and 1 sister: Polynieces, Eteocles, and Ismene). 


What are the 3 rhetorical appeals used when trying to  persuade someone?


Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. 

Ethos - an appeal to character or credibility 

Pathos - an appeal to emotion. typically by creating sympathy and empathy for a cause or negative emotions towards the opposition.  

Logos - An appeal to logic. Organizing facts and evidence to build toward a logical conclusion. 



The defense attorney will file her motion for dismissal early this morning

Answer: Active. 


Name the Disney/ Pixar movie where the main character gets kidnapped and the parental figure tries to rescue them with the help of someone with memory loss. 

Finding Nemo. 

The main character is Nemo; the parental figure is Marlin, the father, and the "someone" with memory loss is Dory. 


Thinking of what makes up the Traits of a tragic Hero, define what 1. hamartia and 2. hubris is. 

1. Hamartia - It means "missing the mark", ignorance, or a tragic fatal flaw. 

2. Hubris - Excessive arrogance or stubbornness



Who is Creon? Does he have children? 


Current King of Thebes. Uncle to Antigone and Ismene. He is married to Eurydice and together they have a son named Haemon. 


Read the following quote: 

"I have the honor to inform you that our ship of state, which recent storms have threatened to destroy, has come safely to harbor at last." 

After reading the quote, what is the primary rhetorical technique used? 

1. Euphuism

2. hyperbole 

3. simile 

4. extended metaphor 

5. juxtaposition. 


The sentence is an extended metaphor. It is comparing an actual ship and the state. In this case the state is referring to the government. 


Linking Verbs Agree with their subject: 

Keesha’s three favorite music groups (is/are) the subject of the cable special.

Answer: Are 


What is the difference between the active voice and the passive voice? 


Active voice is when the subject of the sentence performs the action. 

**Ex. The student sharpened the pencil.**

Passive voice is when the action is performed on the subject. 

**Ex. The pencil was sharpened by the student.**


Thinking of what makes up the traits of a tragic Hero, define what The Mistake and Anagnorisis is. 


1. The Mistake - This is where the character's hamartia is revealed, and his/her destruction begins. 

2. Anagnorisis - A term meaning recognition. At this phase, the hero becomes aware of his/ her mistake and may attempt to correct it. 


In the beginning of the play, what does Antigone do that angers her uncle Creon? Why does she believe it is the right thing to do? 


Antigone buries her brother Polyneices and gives him a proper burial. She thinks it is right because it follows the laws of the Gods even though it violates the Kings laws. 


Read the quote: "No one values friendship more highly than I; but we must remember that friends made at the risk of wrecking our ship are not real friends at all." 

What is the phrase "wrecking our ship" referring to? 

Destroying ______ 

1. Thebes 

2. the government 

3. the military 

4. the Temple 

5. the Royal Family 

Answer: 1. Thebes. 


Pronoun Case: 

(He/Him) and (I/me) were to submit our reports to her by the end of the marking period. 

Answer: He and I. 


What is Mr. Gomez's favorite anime? 

Answer choices: 

1. Dragon Ball Z

2. One Piece 

3. My Hero Academia

4. Naruto Shippuden 

Answer: 2. One Piece 


Thinking of what makes up the traits of a tragic hero, define what peripeteia and nemesis/ catastrophe is.


1. Peripeteia - a sudden reversal of fortunes, a surprising event that is unexpected by the audience, the turning point toward tragedy in the protagonist's fortune. 

2. Nemesis/ catastrophe - Retribution or payback. This is the most intense point on the hero's tragic journey. The reversal reaches it's horrible conclusion, a catastrophe. 


Why is Creon hesitant to free Antigone? (Hint: In Scene 5).


He is afraid to lose his family. 

In Scene 3, between Creon and Haemon's conversation, Creon tells Haemon that Antigone is a criminal and that his authority as King grants him the right to sentence her to death regardless if it is "just" or not.  


What is the difference between tone and mood? 


Tone - author's attitude or feelings toward the audience and subject

Mood - is the response or emotions created in the reader of the text 


Correcting Misplaced and Dangling Modifier:

"I finished my breakfast as the bus arrived and brushed my teeth."

Answer choices:

1. Breakfast

2. Brushed my teeth

3. Arrived

Answer: 2. Brushed my teeth

"I finished my breakfast as the bus arrived and brushed my teeth."

Brushed my teeth is the misplaced modifier because it makes us understand that after arriving, the bus brushed the person's teeth.


ANTIGONE: Who is a FOIL character to Antigone and why? Explain. 


FOIL character - Ismene serves as a FOIL to Antigone. She is everything that Antigone is not. 


Thinking of the traits of a tragic hero, define what catharsis is. 


This means renewal or purification, and it's intended more for the audience than for the characters. Because the audience just witnessed a lot of tragic events, the play ends with a moment of calm. While certainly not a "happy ending," the catharsis shows the characters learning from their mistakes or moving on from the tragedy. 


In Scene 5, who enters the scene to speak to Creon? What does this person say to Creon? 


Teiresias is a blind prophet; He professes that due to Creon's stubbornness and pride the city of Thebes will suffer. He says that Creon will suffer many losses and that the city will turn against him.


Read the following quote:

 “Eteocles, who died as a man should die, fighting for his country, is to be buried with full military honors, with all the ceremony that is usual when the greatest heroes die; but his brother, Polyneices, who broke his exile to come back with fire and sword against his native city and the shrines of his fathers’ gods, whose one idea was to spill the blood of his blood and sell his own people into slavery.” 

What is the primary rhetorical strategy used?

1.) anecdote for fear 

2.) juxtaposition for reverence and disdain 

3.) hypothetical situation for empathy 

4.) dramatic irony for anxiety and fear 

5.) situational irony for anger

Answer: 2. Juxtaposition for reverence and disdain. 


Revising Incorrect Comparisons: 

"I’m a much more better table tennis player than she is."

*** The following sentence contains an incorrect comparative form. Choose the correct form of the comparative modifier. ***

Answer choices: 

1.) Good 

2.) Best

3.) Gooder

4.) Better

Answer: 4. Better. 

"I'm a better table tennis player than she is." 


Disney movie: 

In this movie, the antagonist has 2 servants that are ordered to kidnap the "hero." What are the names of those 2 servants? 

Hint: Mythology 

 Pain and Panic.  
