Main Idea
Wild Card

Define Theme

Theme is the life lesson / moral of the story.


Define Main Idea

Main Idea is what the story is mostly talking about.


Read the sentences.

The dress was nice, but it wasn't perfect. Mary decided to wait and see if she could find a better one in a different store.

Based on these sentences, infer what Mary is probably like?

A. Nosey

B. Helpful

C. Humble

D. Patient

D. Patient


Define Morphology

Morphology is the study of words and their parts.


Identify the preposition in the phrase below:

I found my Chromebook underneath my couch.

Underneath is the preposition


Which of the following will be the LEAST helpful when determining the theme of a story?

A. Character's Actions

B. Character's Words

C. Character's Thoughts

D.  Character's Movements

Character's Movements will not be very helpful when determining the theme of a story.


Define Supporting Details

Supporting Details are pieces of evidence that support the main idea of a text.


Select the best detail to show dolphins are more closely related to humans than they are to fish.

A dolphin looks more like a fish than a person. But like you, the dolphin is a mammal, a warm-blooded mammal that feeds its young on mother's milk. It is one of the many kinds of whale, the most successful group of marine mammals.... Millions of years ago their ancestors left the land to live in the sea. Over time they evolved to suit their new environment, becoming sleek and streamlined.

"But like you, the dolphin is a mammal, a warm-blooded mammal that feeds its young on mother's milk."


What are the three most basic units of a word?

- Prefixes

- Root Words



Add commas to the sentence below. 

Mike washed the dishes walked the dog and took the garbage out before dinner.

Mike washed the dishes, walked the dog, and took the garbage out before dinner.

Commas are used in lists of three or more items.



Ever since he was eight, Clay had been saving money.

It started when his uncle Ed gave him a money box with three sections. "Now that you're eight, you can learn to manage your money. Every time you get some money, put some of it in each section. One section is for charity, one is for spending, and one is for saving."

"Saving?" Clay asked.

"For a rainy day," his uncle said.

His uncle also gave him thirty dollars to start him off. Clay put it away happily. Since then, every time he got some money as a gift, he split it into those three sections. He used his spending money for treats and small toys. Every year, he counted up the money he had saved for charity and gave it away. That felt good.

The years went by. When Clay got a job at the supermarket, he continued to divide up his money. Clay joined a bank and opened three accounts that mirrored the sections in his uncle's money box—a checking account for spending, a savings account, and a special account for money he would give away.

When he reached his teens, Clay liked to go places with his friends, and he never seemed to have enough spending money. He was tempted to take a little from the savings account. But he'd been saving for so long, it felt strange to take any out. So he left it alone.

By the time he graduated high school, he had enough to buy himself a car. Or a trip to Europe. Maybe he would keep saving until he had enough to buy a house. Clay didn't know, but he was happy to have choices. It made the rainy days seem much brighter.

A. Don't worry about the future because things normally work out.

B. When you plan for the future, things will be better off in the end.

C. If you spend all of your money, you have no one to blame but yourself.

D. Charity is the most meaningful way someone can spend their money.

B. When you plan for the future, things will be better off in the end.



Asthma is a common disease of the lungs. When people have asthma, their airways, or breathing tubes, swell up and get sore. When the airways swell, smoke and dust can easily bother them. As a result, the muscles of the airways get tighter. The tight muscles cause the breathing passages to become narrower, so air can't get through. Thus, it can sometimes be difficult for people with asthma to breathe. Luckily, there are medicines that open the airways and help people feel better.

A. Medicines help people with Asthma by opening airways that have swelled up.

B. Smoke and dust can be an issue for people with swollen airways.

C. In asthma, problems with people's airways lead to difficulties with breathing.

C. In asthma, problems with people's airways lead to difficulties with breathing.


Based on the passage, compare and contrast Zachary and Mr. Cain.

Zachary was selling candy to raise money for the school library. He'd already raised sixty-two dollars. All he needed was eight more dollars to reach his goal! He could barely contain his excitement as he ran to Mr. Cain's door.

The door flew open. Mr. Cain said, "Oh! Hello. I was expecting the delivery man with my cake." Then he saw Zachary's candy. "Candy!" he exclaimed. "Well, that sounds pretty good, too!"

- Who is Eager (Zachary, Mr. Cain, or Both)

- Fond of Sweet Things (Zachary, Mr. Cain, or Both)

- Who is Eager (Zachary, Mr. Cain, or Both)

- Fond of Sweet Things (Zachary, Mr. Cain, or Both)


Complete the sentence with a word that has the same root as the word in bold.

To reserve a table at a restaurant, you need to make a ___________



Identify the misspelled word in the sentence below. 

It is so beautiful to watch the flowers blume in the spring.

blume is incorrect.



What evidence from the story BEST shows the theme of When you plan for the future, things will be better off in the end.


Ever since he was eight, Clay had been saving money.

It started when his uncle Ed gave him a money box with three sections. "Now that you're eight, you can learn to manage your money. Every time you get some money, put some of it in each section. One section is for charity, one is for spending, and one is for saving."

"Saving?" Clay asked.

"For a rainy day," his uncle said.

His uncle also gave him thirty dollars to start him off. Clay put it away happily. Since then, every time he got some money as a gift, he split it into those three sections. He used his spending money for treats and small toys. Every year, he counted up the money he had saved for charity and gave it away. That felt good.

The years went by. When Clay got a job at the supermarket, he continued to divide up his money. Clay joined a bank and opened three accounts that mirrored the sections in his uncle's money box—a checking account for spending, a savings account, and a special account for money he would give away.

When he reached his teens, Clay liked to go places with his friends, and he never seemed to have enough spending money. He was tempted to take a little from the savings account. But he'd been saving for so long, it felt strange to take any out. So he left it alone.

By the time he graduated high school, he had enough to buy himself a car. Or a trip to Europe. Maybe he would keep saving until he had enough to buy a house. Clay didn't know, but he was happy to have choices. It made the rainy days seem much brighter.

"By the time he graduated high school, he had enough to buy himself a car. Or a trip to Europe. Maybe he would keep saving until he had enough to buy a house."


What evidence from the story BEST shows the Main Idea of In asthma, problems with people's airways lead to difficulties with breathing.


Asthma is a common disease of the lungs. When people have asthma, their airways, or breathing tubes, swell up and get sore. When the airways swell, smoke and dust can easily bother them. As a result, the muscles of the airways get tighter. The tight muscles cause the breathing passages to become narrower, so air can't get through. Thus, it can sometimes be difficult for people with asthma to breathe. Luckily, there are medicines that open the airways and help people feel better.

"The tight muscles cause the breathing passages to become narrower, so air can't get through. Thus, it can sometimes be difficult for people with asthma to breathe."


What does division mean in this sentence?

Connor solved the problem using division and subtraction.

- Division: Noun, the act of dividing

- Division: Noun, a section of a department

- Division: Noun, the act of dividing


Complete the sentence with a word that has the same root as the word in bold.

An ________  is a person who invents something.



What is the meaning of the bolded word:

Two billion people around the world enjoy eating insects. However, most people in the United States would rather eat dirt than eat a beetle. If you are like most Americans and consider eating insects repugnant, the United Nations would like to change your mind. In 2013, the UN released a report about the benefits of eating bugs. The report says that bugs can be a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The report suggests that eating bugs can be good for the earth as well. Raising insects for food requires less land and water than raising other animals. Instead of reaching for a hamburger when you're hungry, improve your health and save the earth with a delicious bowl of crickets!

A. Highly Old Fashioned

B. Very Interesting

C. Delightfully Different

D. Extremely Disgusting 

D. Extremely Disgusting


Determine and discuss how Theme impacts the way we read and interpret stories. Be sure to include 3 talking points.




Great job!


Determine and discuss how Main Idea can influence our future careers (think about some of the things you will have to read in your future jobs). Be sure to include 2 talking points (and you can include specific examples for specific jobs).



Good job!


Underline the correlative conjunctions in the sentence below. 

Not only is Anderson respectful, but he is also a hard worker.

Not only is Anderson respectful, but he is also a hard worker.


Which change, if any, is needed to the underlined text?


A. Thankship

B. Thinkable

C. Thankful

D. No change

C. Thankful


Circle the perfect verb tense that fits best in the sentence below. 

We _____ the campfire before Molly and Joey arrived. 

  1. had started

  2. have started 

  3. will have started

had started - Past Perfect Tense
