The percent change from 28 to 48 (round to the nearest tenth)
What is 71.4%
Simplify 12x+6
What is 6(2x+1) OR 3(4x+2) OR 2(6x+3)
2 1/4 minus 1/4
What is 2
Two characteristics of a proportional graph
What is a straight line and goes through (0,0)
This is what you should put in your answer if you're finding a percent.
What is a percent sign?
The percent change of $180 to $207
What is 15%
Simplify -8(3x-2)
What is -24x+16
5 1/5 divided by 1/5
What is 26
How we know a table is proportional
What is has a constant rate of change and goes through (0,0)
This is what happens when you divide or multiply by a negative number in an inequality problem.
The percent change of $207 to $180
What is -13%
What is x<-6
How many yards of fabric will I need to make 6 blankets if 1/2 yard makes one blanket
What is 3 yards
Is this table proportional? Justify using at least one reason.
x 0 2 4 6
y 0 12 24 36
What is it has a constant rate of change OR passes through (0, 0)
This is the formula for finding the percent change.
What is change over whole?
The percent change of pizza from $7.50 to $9
What is 20%
What is 6x-15
Mrs. LaVo ran 2 1/3 miles and Mrs. Myers ran 1 3/5 miles. How many total miles did they run?
What is 3 14/15 miles
This is the definition of constant of proportionality
What is the y over x is constant
This is Mrs. Myers favorite color
What is green?
The percent change of a gallon of gas in the summer at $3.50 to $2.87 in the winter.
What is -18%
Three friends go out to lunch. What is the cost of a sandwich if each person buys a drink for $1.25 and 2 sandwiches. The total was $18.75.
Hint: 3(1.25+2x)=18.75
What is $2.50
3 1/2 - (-2 1/4)
What is 5 3/4
This is the letter we use to define constant of proportionality.
What is K?
Mrs. Myers says this phrase the most in class
What is "look at me"
What is "bro"
What is "lock in, chat!"
What is "girrrrl"