Did you know...?
"Say what?"
Once upon a time
Find it!
Extra, Extra!
It says, I say, Infer
What is the triclops chart?
Who wants to go to the movies with Pete and _____?
What is the pronoun I?
Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution
What are the parts of plot?
Mrs. Jimenez Graduates Graduates Married is born. high school UCLA _______________________________________________ 1985 2003 2007 2011
What is a timeline that tells about Mrs. Jimenez' life in sequential order?
PV cells last for 20 years or more.
What is a fact?
Thesaurus mist (noun) cloud, daze, haze, smog, ANT see CLEAR mistake (verb) take one thing for another, confound, confuse, mix, mix up See MISUNDERSTAND, MISJUDGE What is the antonym of mist? What is the synonym of mistake?
What is the antonym of clear? What is the synonym of misunderstand?
After reading A Bad Case of Stripes, we learned that you should love yourself and not worry about what others think of you.
What is the theme or message?
Helps you know what the following information will be about.
What are section headings?
People may dislike snakes because they do not know the facts about snakes. People may dislike snakes
What is an independent clause?
The Constitution has worked well for our nation.
What is an opinion?
mrs. jimenez hopes to visit rome some day. What words should be capitalized?
What is the M in Mrs. because it is an abbreviation? What is the J in Jimenez because it is a proper noun? What is the R in Rome because it is a proper noun?
Wanda Petronski was bullied.
What is the problem or conflict in The Hundred Dresses?
The student found a book in the library called Save the Sea Turtles. In which part of the book would the student most likely find the titles of other books about Sea Turtles?
What is the bibliography?
Solar energy will be used more in the future than it is today.
What is an inference?
The floating hoop fell over. It fell over.
What is a pronoun?
Boggins Heights
What is the setting of the Hundred Dresses?
It is like a mini-dictionary that tells you the definition of the bolded vocabulary.
What is the glossary?
The story, A Single Shard is mainly organized in _______.
What is chronological or sequential order?
Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Josh and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house. Where do you think Josh and his dad were going?
What is making inferences? I infer that Josh and his dad are going to the beach because____.
"I came to this country with $90 in my pocket," he says, "and I haven't had that much money since then."
What are quotation marks that show dialogue-that someone is speaking?
What bad news did Tree-Ear learn after he returned from his journey?
What is Crane man passed away?
Native Americans of the Great Plains region build tipis. -of the Great Plains region
What is a prepositional phrase?