Central Idea
Purpose And Perspective
Context And Connotation

The theme of a story is its,

A. Basic plot

B. Most memorable scene

C. universal message or lesson

D. Main idea

C. Universal message or lesson


Where do you normally find the central idea? 

A. In the first sentence 

B. At the end of the Paragraph 

C. All of the answers are correct!!

D. It is implied 

C. All of the answers are correct!! 


Which sentence gives a reason that supports the writer's claim? 

A. Students should not be punished for circumstances that are out of there control.

B. students should not be forced to wake up an hour early just to be sure that they are not 5 minute late.

C. For instance, the city busses tenned to run late in the winter time.

D. The school tardiness policy needs to be revised. 

A. Students should not be punished for circumstances that are out of there control.


What key words do we use when writing in 1st person? 

A. You/Your 

B. They, Them, His, Her 

C. We, I, Me

C. We, I, Me


If you have trouble understanding a word in a passage or sentence of a story, you may want to read previous words or the end of the sentence to determine what the word means. What is this strategy known as? 

A. text messaging 

B. context clues

C. scanning 

B. context clues


Which of the following might be a theme of a story?

A. Love

B. I won the lottery

C. money

D. Money cant buy happiness

D. Money cant buy happiness.


The central idea can be found in which of the following? 

A. The first sentence of the paragraph 

B. Any sentence in the paragraph 

C. It can be implied 

D. All of the above

D. All of the above 


What type of evidence is used in the following sentence: For instance, the city buses tend to run late in the wintertime.

A. an anecdote.

B. an example

C. A statistic

D. A quotation 

B. an example


An author whose purpose is to ________ will explain something to readers or provide them with knowledge they did not have before. 

A .Entertain 

B. inform

C. Persuade 

B. inform


Some people hunt for lost coins on beaches using an apparatus called a metal detector. It has a long stem that ends in a circular part called a search head, which hovers just over the ground. When it passes over metal, it makes a sound. Based on the context clues, what does the red word mean?

A. process 

B. hovel 

C. machine

C. machine


In a fable the theme is..

A. A funny talking animal

B. The main idea

C. A curious animal who makes jokes

D. The lesson it teaches you

D. The lesson it teaches you.


The central idea is supported by which of the following? 

A. concluding sentences 

B. details 

C. transitions 

D. reliable topics 

B. details


Which of the following are necessary parts of a logical argument?

A. Solid reasons and evidence

B. hasty generalization

C. name calling and circular reasoning

D. logical fallacies

A. Solid reasons and evidence


Brian could not bare to be on the roof of the skyscraper any longer. He wasn't usually afraid of heights, but the wind was so strong and Rufus kept messing with him. Rufus could tell that he was getting to Brian, which only encouraged him to keep going. "Let's go look over the edge, Brian," suggested Rufus, knowing full well that Brian would refuse. 

A. 1st person 

B. 3rd person

C. 2nd person 

B. 3rd person


Most people feared the king because his judgment was final and his punishments were severe. Based on the context clues, what does the red word mean? 

A.  harsh or intense

B. important 

C. fair 

A.  harsh or intense


What is the theme of the boy who cried wolf?

A. dont be bad

B. Dont tell a lie because then you cant be trusted 

C. Horrible 

D. Misbehaving shepherd

B. Dont tell a lie because then you cant be trusted.


The general subject that the passage is about is which of the following? 

A. Topic 

B. Claim 

C. Central Idea 

D. Supporting details 

A. Topic


A stereotype differs from a hasty generalization in that stereotype

A. Is to broad a statement

B. sometimes deals with people

C. always deals with groups of individuals

D. is based on insufficient evidence

C. always deals with groups of individuals


The stars were burning brightly in the night sky. The evening breeze felt cool on my skin. It was the last night of summer break and I was calm, oddly calm. It's not that I was excited to go back to school. I wasn't. School is a lot of work for me. However, I was excite to see my friends again. 

A. 1st person

B. 3rd person 

C. 2nd person 

A. 1st person


John was bewildered when he saw the math teacher writing letters on the board that were to be added and subtracted. "Aren't letters for reading class?" John thought to himself. Based on the context clues, what does the red word mean? 

A. unprepared 

B. confused

C. depressed 

B. confused


The theme will always be stated outright?

A. Yes

B. It could be? im not sure?

C. No, You have to infer the theme

D. maybe

C. No, You have to infer the theme


The broad subject usually made up of one or two words is which of the following? 

A. Topic 

B. Claim 

C. Main Idea 

D. supporting details 

A. Topic


Which type of logical fallacy is used here?: I started exercising twice a week, and I just got a babysitting job. Exercising leads to new jobs!

A. Hasty generalization

B. false cause and effect, or post-hoc argument

C. either/ or fallacy

D. circular reasoning

C. either/ or fallacy


What type of Point-of-View uses the key word "you"?

A. 1st person 

B. 3rd person 

C. 2nd person

C. 2nd person


Most of the boys in the class were in some heated argument about which sports team would win the big game, but Jeremy was indifferent. He just wanted to play Death Troopers on his game box. Based on the context clues, what does the red word mean?

A. having no particular interest

B. having questions 

C. having concerns 

A. having no particular interest
