Main Idea
Text Structures
Figurative Language
Multiple Meaning Words
If you are outdoors keep an eye on the sky. Look for dark skies, flashes of lightning, or strong winds. Lightning often comes before rain, so don’t wait for the rain to begin. If you see lightning or hear thunder, get to a safe place immediately. The best place to go is a strong building or a car. If there is no shelter around you, stay away from trees. Stay away from water, because it is a good conductor of electricity. You should wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning and thunder before going back outside. What is the main idea of this passage?
What is A. What you should do in a thunderstorm B. You should watch the sky if you are outdoors. C. Don’t wait for the rain to begin to start acting. D. When the thunderstorm is over it still may not be safe. ______________________________________________________________________
Which word is most similar in meaning to the word principal?
What is Administrator
Read the paragraph and select the best answer. Ancient Greece was made up of small city states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was known as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and learning. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A Spartan’s life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city states of Sparta and Athens were individually different and had different styles of government, they both managed to become dominating powers in Ancient Greece. How is the information in this article organized?
What is Compare and Contrast ______________________________________________________________________
Easter The air is like a butterfly with frail blue wings. What kind of literary device does the author use in this sentence?
What is Simile
Read the sentence from the passage. Although scientists know a great deal about natural hazards, they can't always predict when or where these environmental events will occur. Which sentence below uses deal in the same way as in the sentence above?
What is A. When playing card games always deal the cards in a clockwise rotation. B. Samantha asked her doctor about healthier ways to deal with her mounting stress. C. It’s a good thing my science partner knows a great deal about weather and storms D. I got a great deal on this red, 1972 Cadillac convertible from a salesman at the used car lot. ________________________________________________________________
If you are outdoors keep an eye on the sky. Look for dark skies, flashes of lightning, or strong winds. Lightning often comes before rain, so don’t wait for the rain to begin. If you see lightning or hear thunder, get to a safe place immediately. The best place to go is a strong building or a car. If there is no shelter around you, stay away from trees. Stay away from water, because it is a good conductor of electricity. You should wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning and thunder before going back outside. What is one thing you should NOT do during a thunderstorm?
What is A. Wait before you go back outside. B. Go near a swimming pool C. Go into a strong building. D. Stay away from trees.
Uniforms for students are not cutting-edge, but for teachers? The concept is becoming more fashionable nationwide. At some schools, such as Walden Middle School in Atlanta and Chicago Military Academy, teachers agree to wear uniforms five days a week, just like the students. Other schools have a uniform day for teachers. At George M. Pullman Elementary in Chicago, Mondays are the day when everyone--teachers, secretaries, volunteer parents, even the principals--wears navy and white. School administrators say that when students see teachers in their new uniforms, it sets a good example and builds a bond between students and teachers. Which pair of words from the paragraph is most similar in meaning?
What is Cutting-edge, New
Ancient Greece was made up of small city states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was known as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and learning. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A Spartan’s life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city states of Sparta and Athens were individually different and had different styles of government, they both managed to become dominating powers in Ancient Greece
What is on the other hand, although, both
Easter The happy earth looks at the sky and sings. What knid of discriptive or figuratuve language does the author use in this line of the poem?
What is personification
Read this sentence from the passage. A natural disaster occurs when a natural hazard strikes an inhabited area. In which of the following sentences does the word strike have the same meaning as used in the sentence above?
What is A. Roseanna strikes the last match in the pack to light the campfire. B. The worker’s union strikes at least once a year against unfair treatment. C. After five solid strikes to the face, the boxer hit the mat with a tremendous thud. D. When a tornado strikes down in a city many people are in immediate and life threatening danger
Read this sentence from the paragraph. The weather in North Carolina during late summer is cooler than what she’s used to in south Florida. What can you infer from this detail in the paragraph?
What is That Alison will need a dress that is thicker material than one she’d wear in Florida.
Which word is most opposite in meaning from the word emergency?
What is A. betray B. calm C. conscience D. excitement
On December 7, 1941, Japan pushed the United States into World War II by attacking the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. Four days later Hitler declared war on the United States. The American army was not well trained, and American troops fell to the Japanese in the spring of 1942. Military leaders in Washington worked to create a department to direct the war and turn the troops into well trained fighting men. In March, the War Department was reorganized to direct the soldiers in the war. What method of organization does the author use for this article?
What is C. chronological
Read this sentence. But Hurston was a s stubborn as a mule. Which type of literary device is this an example of?
What is Simile saying one thing is like or as another
Read this sentence. The barge moved slowly upstream because of its heavy load. As it approached the dock it slowed down even more so it would not do damage to its sides. What is the meaning of the word barge in this sentence?
What is A. a flat bottom boat. B. to enter rudely C. a large truck D. a caravan ______________________________________________________________________
Alison has been to just about every store in Palm Beach, but hasn’t been able to find the perfect dress. She needs it for her cousin’s wedding coming up in September. The weather in North Carolina during late summer is cooler than what she’s used to in south Florida. The wedding is semi-formal so she’ll need something that really sparkles. Alison would like to get a knee length little black dress with short sleeves and a scoop neck. Sounds simple, right? Alison’s mom accuses her of being too picky, but Alison insists she’ll find her dress in time. What conclusion can you draw about Alison from the paragraph?
What is Her mom considers her to be picky, but she is just determined.
Crusty's days are numbered. The well-known 8-foot alligator has become so accustomed to people feeding him that his death is certain. Because state wildlife managers worry all his snacks will make him destructive, they will have to remove him from a canal along Florida's Alligator Alley in the Everglades. Crusty has already begun damaging behaviors toward people and he will have to be put to sleep. Which pair of words from the paragraph is most similar in meaning?
What is A. canal, alley B. Crusty, alligator C. destructive, damaging. D. feeding, behavior
On December 7, 1941, Japan pushed the United States into World War II by attacking the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. Four days later Hitler declared war on the United States. The American army was not well trained, and American troops fell to the Japanese in the spring of 1942. Military leaders in Washington worked to create a department to direct the war and turn the troops into well trained fighting men. In March, the War Department was reorganized to direct the soldiers in the war. What clues are there to the method of organization?
What is dates, months and time of year are given
Read this sentence. In Harlem, Hurston was the belle of the ball. What type of literary device is this an example of?
What is metaphor
Read the paragraph and select the best answer. The barge moved slowly upstream because of its heavy load. As it approached the dock it slowed down even more so it would not do damage to its sides. What clues are there in the sentences to the meaning of the word barge? What clues are there in the sentences to the meaning of the word barge?
What is A. approached, slowed B. upstream, dock C. slowly, heavy D. load, damage
"I have a problem." That's what Jack says to me just before Ms. Sanchez tells us to get back to our seats this instant or no recess for a week. I scramble into my seat at the front of the classroom. Too bad Jack has to sit all the way in the back. I'm good at solving problems. I wonder what's wrong. Maybe his mother somehow got distracted while she was packing his lunch and accidentally put dog biscuits in his lunchbox and fed his salami to the dog. Or maybe he was abducted by aliens while he was sleeping. Or maybe just this morning a huge crocodile came up through the toilet and scared Jack's family so much that his mother grabbed his little sister and climbed on top of the kitchen counter, where they're trembling in terror at this very moment. What conclusion can you draw about the narrator from the passage?
What is he has a vivid imagination.
Read this sentence from the passage. The well-known 8-foot alligator has become so accustomed to people feeding him that his death is certain. In this sentence the word accustomed means:
What is A. acquired B. fatigued C. normal D. used to
Hail is created when small water droplets are caught in the air moving upward in a thunderstorm. As a result, these water droplets are lifted higher and higher into the sky until they freeze into ice. Thus, they become heavy, and they start to fall. Sometimes the small hailstones get caught in the air moving upward again, and they get more water on them and freeze into bigger hailstones. This can happen over and over again until the hailstone gets too heavy and falls to the ground. How does the author organize the information in this article?
What is cause and effect
Read this sentence. She quickly became well known for her touching and tremendous tales of growing up in Eatonville. Which type of literary device is this an example of/
What is alliteration, using the same beginning sounds
Read this sentence from the passage. American grocery markets contain products from many countries: sardines from Norway, cheese from France, caviar from Russia and coffee from Brazil. In which of the following sentences does the word market have the same meaning
What is A. Every Saturday we shop at the green market held downtown near the amphitheater B. After wearing my sneakers camping I found myself in the market for a new pair. C. The decline in the housing market has affected many Americans. D. The market for cell phones is abnormally high this year.