Which word needs to be capitalized in this sentence?
i went to the park yesterday.
Add the missing punctuation:
I like apples oranges and bananas.
I like apples, oranges, and bananas.
Where do parentheses go in an in-text citation (a quote sandwich)?
Before the period: (Author's Last Name).
What are the two main compare and contrast essay structures?
Point-by-Point and Block
What is a claim?
The main argument of an essay.
Correct this sentence: the great wall of china is a famous landmark.
The Great Wall of China is a famous landmark.
Where does the period go in this sentence:
She said, "I love reading books"
At the end of the sentence but inside of the quotation mark:
She said, "I love reading books."
Add a correct in-text citation:
Cats are great pets Crane.
"Cats are great pets" (Crane).
In which structure does each paragraph compare one point about both subjects.
Block structure
What is a counterclaim?
An opposing argument to the claim.
Identify and correct the error: My teacher, mrs. burnette, assigned us homework.
Mrs. Burnette
Fix the sentence:
Yes I can go with you tomorrow
Yes, I can go with you tomorrow.
Fix this in-text citation:
According to the text, Dogs are loyal companions" Smith).
According to the text, "Dogs are loyal companions" (Smith).
Describe block structure.
One section discusses all points for one subject, then all points for the other subject.
Give an example of a counterclaim for the claim:
Dogs are better pets than cats.
Some people argue that cats are better because they are easier to care for.
Write a correctly capitalized version of this sentence:
dr. martin luther king jr. was a great leader.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great leader.
Identify the error: He was going to the store but he forgot his wallet.
He was going to the store, but he forgot his wallet.
Explain where the period goes in an MLA in-text citation (quote sandwich).
After the closing parentheses of the citation.
Which structure are these body paragraphs for?
Paragraph 2: Topic A's features. Paragraph 3: Topic B's features.
Why is it important to include a counterclaim?
It shows that you’ve considered other viewpoints and strengthens your argument.
List 3 things that should always be capitalized.
Proper nouns, names, the start of a sentence, titles, months, holidays
Explain the difference between a period and a comma in a sentence.
A period ends a sentence; a comma separates elements within a sentence.
Write a complete MLA in-text citation (quote sandwich) using the information below:
Maya Angelou once said, "When people show you who they truly are, believe them."
Answers will vary. I will check them.
Which structure works best for comparing complex subjects, and why?
Point-by-Point, because it helps the reader directly compare each point side by side.
Write a claim and counterclaim about online learning.
Answers will vary. I will check them.