The Animals That Helped Win WW1
The Valley's Singing Day
Richard Feynman
A Boy Called Everest
Lightkeeper Was A Woman Of Firsts

What does the phrase “beasts of burden” mean as it is used in paragraph 2?

A animals that do work to help people

B animals that are domesticated

C animals that live in the wild

D animals that provide companionship

A animals that do work to help people


Read lines 2-3 from the poem. 

[You made no sound in the grass with your footfall, As far as you went from the door, which was not far;] What can be inferred about the subject, “you,” from the lines?

A The subject is careful and quiet.

B The subject does not like to travel.

C The subject is too tired to move quickly.

D The subject is a secretive person.

A The subject is careful and quiet.


Which word from paragraph 4 provides context to help the reader understand the meaning of the word innovation?

A achievement

B developed

C methods

D saving

B developed


Which quotation from the passage provides evidence that shows why Everest’s mother doesn’t want him to climb?

A “By the time I was fifteen, I was climbing regularly.” (paragraph 2)

B “My father never actually summited Everest…” (paragraph 4)

C “My mother didn’t like me looking at those pictures…” (paragraph 10)

D “My father died in the Khumbu Icefall.” (paragraph 20)

C “My mother didn’t like me looking at those pictures…” (paragraph 10)


What is the meaning of the word vigilance as it is used in paragraph 15?

A alarm B isolation C silence D watchfulness

D watchfulness


What does the author mean by the phrase “mascots didn’t just lend a supportive paw” in paragraph 3?

A Animals provided assistance to soldiers by finding food.

B Animals used their four paws to help soldiers with their work.

C Animals were partners that provided the soldiers with good luck.

D Animals did important work in addition to giving soldiers emotional support.

D Animals did important work in addition to giving soldiers emotional support.


Read lines 13-14 from the poem.

(By which they mean the rain is pearls so early, Before it changes to diamonds in the sun)

What is the effect of the metaphors?

A They emphasize the value of the natural world.

B They highlight the chaos of the human world.

C They reveal how fragile nature can be.

D They suggest how unpredictable the environment is.

A They emphasize the value of the natural world.


Which quotation supports the idea that Feynman became a widely respected figure in the scientific community?

A “As a child, Feynman enjoyed introducing scientific concepts to his younger sister, Joan, who grew up to be a distinguished scientist in her own right.” (paragraph 2)

B “After excelling in mathematics as a student at Far Rockaway High School, Feynman earned his bachelor’s degree in 1939 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his PhD from Princeton University three years later.” (paragraph 3)

C “The general public received greater exposure to Feynman upon his appointment to the presidential commission that investigated the Challenger explosion in 1986.” (paragraph 7)

D “He offered popular undergraduate physics courses at Caltech and was well-known by the student body, often attending freshman orientation.” (paragraph 8)

C “The general public received greater exposure to Feynman upon his appointment to the presidential commission that investigated the Challenger explosion in 1986.” (paragraph 7)


Which statement best summarizes the passage?

A Everest’s mother used to be a famous climber and still maintains ties with the mountaineering community.

B Everest, named after the famous mountain, follows in his father’s footsteps and secretly takes up rock climbing despite his mother’s objections.

C Everest’s father died on a mountain expedition, leading to his mother’s resentment toward mountaineering.

D Scott, Everest’s friend, learns climbing techniques from Everest’s experienced friends.

B Everest, named after the famous mountain, follows in his father’s footsteps and secretly takes up rock climbing despite his mother’s objections.


How do paragraphs 9-11 contribute to a main idea?

A by emphasizing the challenges Maria Andreu faced in transitioning to the role of lighthouse keeper

B by highlighting the importance of the president of the United States

C by providing the details of how Maria Andreu’s family handled her job

D by explaining the difficulty of being a lighthouse keeper and the immense responsibility the job carried

D by explaining the difficulty of being a lighthouse keeper and the immense responsibility the job carried


Which statement expresses a central idea of the text?

A People are working to digitize photos and other records of what happened in World War I.

B Animals provided entertainment to soldiers during the battles of World War I.

C John Bull was an English bulldog that belonged to an English major general, and he helped on the battlefields.

D Animals contributed to the war effort in World War I, but their stories were often not included in written accounts.

D Animals contributed to the war effort in World War I, but their stories were often not included in written accounts.


Which sentence best describes the theme of the poem?

 A Individual actions do not matter in the grand scheme of life.

B Beginning the day early makes actions more impactful.

C Even small actions can have a significant impact.

D Nature is unaffected by human actions.

C Even small actions can have a significant impact.


In which two ways does paragraph 3 contribute to the development of the text?

A by telling how Feynman’s work got him noticed early on

B by establishing Feynman’s background and training in physics

C by explaining how Feynman’s professors influenced his educational decisions

D by describing accomplishments for which Feynman is most well-known

E by providing information about the universities where Feynman would later teach

A by telling how Feynman’s work got him noticed early on

B by establishing Feynman’s background and training in physics


How do the different perspectives of Everest and his mother affect the passage?

A Everest’s uncertainty and his mother’s excitement create a tone of suspense.

B Their shared memories of past climbing experiences create a tone of longing.

C Everest’s determination and his mother’s fear create a tone of tension and uncertainty.

D Their mutual respect creates a tone of love and understanding.

C Everest’s determination and his mother’s fear create a tone of tension and uncertainty.


Which statement best summarizes the main idea of the text?

A The responsibilities of lighthouse keepers were intense, often requiring them to maintain the light, grow their own food, educate their children, and provide assistance to mariners in distress.

B Maria Andreu served as the first Hispanic American woman in the U.S. Coast Guard, taking over the challenging job of lighthouse keeper at St. Augustine Lighthouse in 1859.

C The St. Augustine Lighthouse was part of a long tradition of lighthouses along the coast of Florida, originally established when Don Pedro Menendez claimed Florida for Spain in 1565.

D Lighthouses, like the one maintained by Maria Andreu, were often isolated but served an essential role for their communities.

B Maria Andreu served as the first Hispanic American woman in the U.S. Coast Guard, taking over the challenging job of lighthouse keeper at St. Augustine Lighthouse in 1859.


Part A:

According to the text, why is it important that these animals’ stories are recorded?

A It is interesting to read the stories of animals that were in World War I.

B Reading about these animals helps people see the lighter and less emotional side of war.

C People who are animal lovers like to read stories of animals that supported soldiers.

D Documenting these animals provides a more accurate record of what happened in the war.

Part B:

Which quotation provides evidence for the answer in Part A?

A “The stray dog turned soldier was just one of the estimated millions of dogs, horses, camels, and other animals that served during what was known as the Great War. These animals often were referred to as ‘military mascots.’” (paragraph 2)

B “Not much is known about the animals in the collection beyond the typewritten captions that accompany each photo. But they provide rare insight into an aspect of the war that often gets left out of the history books.” (paragraph 7)

C “And not all of the animals whose images made it into the archives were domesticated. Take, for example, Whiskey and Soda, two lion cubs serving as the mascots of the Lafayette Escadrille, a military unit of the Aeronautique Militaire (French Air Service).” (paragraph 9)

D “Rags, who lived from 1916 to 1936, followed soldiers home after they fed him and refused to leave the battlefield. He began his military life in 1918 as a mascot.” (paragraph 12)


D Documenting these animals provides a more accurate record of what happened in the war.


B “Not much is known about the animals in the collection beyond the typewritten captions that accompany each photo. But they provide rare insight into an aspect of the war that often gets left out of the history books.” (paragraph 7)


Part A

Which sentence describes the speaker’s attitude toward the subject in line 19?

A The speaker is annoyed with the subject.

B The speaker is impressed by the subject.

C The speaker is offering to support the subject.

D The speaker is hesitant to believe the subject.

Part B

Which evidence from the poem supports the answer chosen in Part A?

A “You made no sound in the grass with your footfall,” (line 2)

B “The first song-bird that awakened all the rest.” (line 5)

C “Neither was song that day to be self-begun.” (line 15)

D “I should be willing to say and help you say” (line 20)


C The speaker is offering to support the subject.


D “I should be willing to say and help you say” (line 20)


How do the text and excerpt differ in how they present Feynman’s influence and impact?

A “Richard Feynman” details milestones Feynman reached in adulthood, while “Richard Feynman: Physicist, Bongo Player, and Safecracker” lists events from Feynman’s childhood in New York City.

B “Richard Feynman” highlights Feynman’s achievements in the arenas of teaching and lecturing, while “Richard Feynman: Physicist, Bongo Player, and Safecracker” spotlights the work Feynman did while researching and building the atomic bomb.

C “Richard Feynman” provides a traditional timeline of Feynman’s professional accomplishments, while “Richard Feynman: Physicist, Bongo Player, and Safecracker” describes professional achievements with more of a focus on Feynman’s odd habits.

D “Richard Feynman” emphasizes the importance of Feynman’s written works, while “Richard Feynman: Physicist, Bongo Player, and Safecracker” stresses the popularity of Feynman’s live presentations, courses, and interactions with students.

C “Richard Feynman” provides a traditional timeline of Feynman’s professional accomplishments, while “Richard Feynman: Physicist, Bongo Player, and Safecracker” describes professional achievements with more of a focus on Feynman’s odd habits.


How does the author create tension in paragraph 15?

A by explaining the complexity of the equipment

B by showing Everest’s hesitation to step off the cliff

C by describing Scott’s laughter and ridicule

D by discussing the height of the mountain

B by showing Everest’s hesitation to step off the cliff


Read the excerpt from paragraph 12.

The couple was responsible for a light built in 1700 that had been used by both the Spanish and the British during the periods when their countries owned Florida. Why does the author include the historical details in the excerpt?

A to emphasize how well the lighthouse was built

B to highlight the long legacy of the lighthouse

C to suggest a conflict regarding the placement of the lighthouse

D to reveal the reason lighthouse keeping was so difficult

B to highlight the long legacy of the lighthouse


Which statement describes the overall structure of the paragraphs in the text?

A They give information on the archivists who worked to digitize the pictures of the animals.

B They tell the story of how Rags was adopted after he was injured.

C They give arguments to persuade soldiers to have a military mascot before they go to war.

D They tell narratives of animals in World War I and explain their importance.

D They tell narratives of animals in World War I and explain their importance.


Which two lines from the poem best illustrate the setting?

A “The sound of the closing outside door was all.” (line 1)

B “But had awakened under the morning star” (line 4)

C “He could have slept but a moment more at best.” (line 6)

D “My window curtain hung over the sill to wet;” (line 18)

E “I should be willing to say and help you say” (line 20)

A “The sound of the closing outside door was all.” (line 1)

D “My window curtain hung over the sill to wet;” (line 18)


With which statement would the authors of both the text and excerpt most likely agree?

A Richard Feynman’s scientific achievements after losing his wife Arline exemplify how pursuing a passion can help a person bear life’s biggest hardships.

B Richard Feynman’s unique personality and notable research in the world of theoretical physics make him an admirable figure in history.

C Richard Feynman’s collaboration with his sister Joan likely propelled his curiosity about physics and led him to pursue his bachelor’s degree and PhD in the field of science.

D Richard Feynman’s early experimentation with the inner workings of radios gave him ideas about “how things work,” feeding his love of science and eventually leading him to the career for which he is now famous.

B Richard Feynman’s unique personality and notable research in the world of theoretical physics make him an admirable figure in history.


Part A

Based on the passage, how does Everest feel about his father’s legacy?

A downhearted B inspired C intimidated D reflective

Part B

Which quotation from the passage provides support for the answer chosen in Part A?

A “I bought gear and hid it from her, keeping some of it at my friend Scott’s house.” (paragraph 2)

B “My father never actually summited Everest, never stood on the top of the world.” (paragraph 4)

C “My friend Scott’s father knew that my dad had been a big-time mountaineer, so he believed me when I said I had permission to climb.” (paragraph 14)

D “I thought of the Yellow Band and the Hillary Step and all the other places I was never going to see if I didn’t just move my foot.” (paragraph 17)


B inspired


D “I thought of the Yellow Band and the Hillary Step and all the other places I was never going to see if I didn’t just move my foot.” (paragraph 17)


How does the author make connections among ideas in the text?

A The author provides firsthand accounts from Maria Andreu to help readers understand her struggles and achievements.

B The author uses quotations from Maria Andreu’s friends and family to provide alternative perspectives of her life as a lighthouse keeper.

C The author relies on nautical terms to explain the technical knowledge required to be a lighthouse keeper.

D The author uses dates to show the progression of advancements and responsibilities of lighthouse keepers.

D The author uses dates to show the progression of advancements and responsibilities of lighthouse keepers.
