Context Clues
Test Questions
Figurative Language

What is an adjective in the following sentence: "The Fat Cat was very plump."  



What does "honest broth" mean in the context of Passage 2?

A simple, sincere soup or liquid meal


 What can you conclude about the Lean Cat based on his actions?

The Lean Cat is eager and driven by hunger, showing a lack of caution.


How does paragraph 2 of Passage 1 help the reader understand the text?

A. It explains why the Country Mouse decided to leave the country.

B. It explains how the two mice are related to each other.

C. It explains where the Town Mouse got the food for the visit.

D. It explains why the Country Mouse liked living in the country.

A. It explains why the Country Mouse decided to leave the country.


What does "jumped off the roof" illustrate about the Lean Cat's excitement?

It illustrates the Lean Cat's eagerness and excitement about the opportunity.


Find the verb in this sentence: "The Country Mouse served wheat stalks."



What does "delicious" mean in the context of food?

Tasty or highly enjoyable


What does the word "hardly" suggest about the Mice's fear?

It suggests that the Mice were very scared and did not want to make noise.


In Passage 2, which action kept the Fat Cat from getting caught?

A. He ate enough and left before the King’s guards arrived.

B. He kept silent and still at the banquet table and was not seen.

C. He waited before entering the banquet hall to see if the Lean Cat got caught.

D. He listened to the warning of another cat outside the palace.

D. He listened to the warning of another cat outside the palace.


What does the phrase "the most inviting meal" indicate?

It indicates that the meal was very appealing and tempting.


Choose the correct form: "The mice (was/were) hiding."



What does "expedition" mean as used in Passage 2?

A trip or journey, especially for a specific purpose


What clues in the text suggest the Town Mouse's discomfort?

 Clues include her eating very little and her conversation about city life.


In Passage 1, what caused the Country Mouse to decide to go to the city with the Town Mouse?

A. She watched the Town Mouse struggle to fall asleep and no longer felt comfortable in the hedges.

B. She listened to the Town Mouse talk about her house and no longer felt safe in the country.

C. She watched the Town Mouse eat very little of the simple food she served and felt embarrassed.

D. She listened to the Town Mouse describe city life and thought it would be enjoyable.

D. She listened to the Town Mouse describe city life and thought it would be enjoyable.


What does "purr of satisfaction" suggest about the Lean Cat's feelings?

It suggests that the Lean Cat felt content and happy.


Identify the subject in this sentence: "The Town Mouse visited her cousin."

The subject is "The Town Mouse."


What does "luxuries" refer to in Passage 1?

Items of great comfort or extravagant living


How can you infer the Country Mouse's feelings about the city from the text?

The Country Mouse feels curious but also anxious about the city.


How are the two passages similar?

A. In both texts, the main characters are saved from danger by listening to the advice of their friends.

B. In both texts, the main characters find themselves in dangerous situations when they try to find better lives.

C. In both texts, the main characters travel great distances to try to achieve their goals but are unable to return to their homes.

D. In both texts, the main characters are tricked by their friends into leaving their happy homes.

B. In both texts, the main characters find themselves in dangerous situations when they try to find better lives.


What does the phrase "in one ear and out the other" mean?

It means the Lean Cat did not pay attention to the Old Woman’s warning at all.


What is the past tense of "talk"?



What does "feast" mean in the context of a meal?

A large meal or banquet


What does "scurried" suggest about the Mice's actions?

 It suggests quick, hurried movements due to fear.


Part A

What is a theme found in both passages? 

A. A thief cannot be trusted, even by another thief.

B. It is a good idea to try new things, even when they are not familiar.

C. Do not try to do too many things at one time.

D. It is better to have a little and be safe, than have a great deal and be in danger.

D. It is better to have a little and be safe, than have a great deal and be in danger.


What does the phrase "as lean as a spider" imply about the Lean Cat?

 It implies that the Lean Cat is very thin 
