Where do fusion and fission occur?
Fusion=atoms combining in the Sun
Fission=atoms splitting in the Earth's core
What are the 3 types of plate boundaries?
What started the universe?
The Big Bang
What is deforestation?
When human remove trees
What is weathering?
Rock breaking down in place
Order the electromagnetic spectrum from highest to lowest highest energy:
Infrared, UV, Gamma, Visible light, Radio.
Bonus: which is the most dangerous
Gamma, Xray, UV, Visible Light, Infrared, Radio
Bonus: Gamma
What feature is present at a Continental - Continental convergent?
What is the shape of the Earth?
Oblate spheroid
What is a landslide?
A mass movement of material down a slope/hill
What is a example of oxidation?
Which planet has the longest orbit/revolution around the sun according to Kepler's 3rd law?
What feature is present at Continental - Oceanic Convergent?
Trench and Volcanism
What is the order of the planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupitar, Saturan, Uranus, Neptune
What might deforestation cause?
Increase erosion
What is chemical weathering?
When the chemical composition of a rock/mineral changes
What protects us from cosmic rays?
Magnetic field
What are 3 pieces continental drift?
Continents fit together like puzzle pieces
Fossils matching up on different shore lines
Mountain ranges on opposite shore lines
Glacial scars on opposite continent
What do rotation and revolution cause?
Revolution=Seasons and year
How might over use of fertilizers cause?
Typically the oldest layer of rock is on the bottom. What is this principal called?
What does Kepler's 2nd law state about equal area = ________.
Equal time
What is erosion?
The movement of weathered materials