Clarify for Meaning
Making Inferences
Whats the Main Idea
Name that Structure
What's The Part of Speech

What is a synonym?  

A synonym is a word or words that have a similar meaning to another word.


How do you make an inference?

You use text evidence, and background knowledge, to make an educated guess or decision about what the author has not said.


What is a main idea?

It's what the author wants you to know the most.  It's what the text is mostly about.


What is text structure?

The way authors organize and write a text


What part of speech is a person?



What does the word flexible mean in the following sentence?

The farmer placed the long, flexible water pipe into the ground.

A. spongy

B. unstretchable 

C. agreeable

D. bendable

D. Bendable 


What am I?

I wag my tail when I get excited.  I make a great family pet.  You can take me on walks to help me get exercise.

A dog


Some people say skateboarding not only offers health and fitness benefits but also teaches life lessons that could help kids with their schoolwork. Students who are learning to skateboard often spend hours practicing a new trick before they get it right.  This skill can transfer to the classroom work too.

What is the main idea?

A. Skateboarding is fun

B. Skateboarding can help students in and out of the classroom.

C. Kids love to practice skateboarding.

B. Skateboarding can help students in and out of the classroom.


Which text structure uses dates and times to tell the order of events?



What type of verb is being used in the sentence below?

The grandfather assisted his grandson in building the train set. 

Assisted is the verb, and it is an action verb.


Our classroom faces the playground, so we get distracted easily.

What does the word faces mean in this sentence?

To look toward something.  


What am I?

I fly In the sky but have no wings

Sometimes I’m fluffy and white, When

I get dark, people run inside

A cloud


Most rain forest animals live in the canopy, feeding on leaves, fruits, and nuts. Examples in South America include the macaw, a brightly colored bird; the kinkajou, a relative of the raccoon; and the howler monkey, one of the loudest animals in the world.

A. Animals near the top of the rainforest can see a long way down.

B. Each level of the rainforest is good for particular animals.

C. Animals high in the rain forest must be able to fly or glide.

B. Each level of the rainforest is good for particular animals.


What text structure compares two or more items?

Compare and contrast


Sarah ran quickly to the store to get herself some takis.

What part of speech is the word quickly?



Read the paragraph below:  

Charles Perrault wrote "The Master Cat" in 1697.  This story, along with other well–known stories, like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, brought Perrault much popularity.  Most of his stories were adapted from earlier folk tales.  Through his writing, he helped introduce the world to Fairy Tales.
What does the word adapted mean?

A. Based on

B. Read from

C. Changed using

D. rewritten from

E.  A, B, D

Answer.  E.


”Whoops!” Francis put the

wrong soap in the dishwasher.

She quickly ran to the closet to

grab a bucket and mop.

What happened? How do you know

The dishwasher overflowed, and there was a mess. I know this because Francis got a bucket and mop. Those are things you grab to clean up a mess.


Today, I ate the most delicious pizza! The pizza was layered with all of my favorite toppings. The pepperoni was crispy and spicy. Sitting right next to the pepperoni were the soft slices of mushroom. Its spongy texture made every bite enjoyable. Black olives gave a salty yet wonderful flavor to every bite. Rich mozzarella cheese blanketed the whole pizza. This mouthwatering pizza was the best pizza I’ve ever had. I hope to have it again soon.

a. I will eat the pizza again.

b. the pepperoni was crispy and spicy

c. I ate the most delicious pizza                                                      

C. I ate the most delicious pizza


What text structure explains the details (Example of details: who, what, where, what kind, how old, what size) of one topic?



Where are the Girl Scouts selling their delicious cookies?

What part of speech is Girl Scouts?

Proper noun


Governors are usually elected every four years. They are elected by the citizens of the state.

What do the words elected and citizens mean in the sentences above?

Elected means to select and citizens means the people


Sam took off her sandals and

applied some more sunscreen.

Then she put her feet in the

water and watched the waves.

Sam is at the beach. I know this because sandals, sunscreen, water, and waves are things you’d see at a beach.


Legend has it that pizza, as we know it today, was first created by a baker in Naples, Italy.  He wanted to create a kind of bread that was different than all other kinds sold in Naples.  He experimented with adding cheese to bread; soon he added sauce beneath the cheese and let the dough take the shape of a large round pie.  His creation quickly became a favorite in Naples.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. pizza as it is today

B. pizza is a favorite food of Naples

C. A baker in Italy who first created pizza

C. A baker in Italy who first created pizza


Did you know that the way you take care of your lawn can affect the watershed? Many people use pesticides and herbicides to kill insects and weeds. These chemicals can run off into streams and rivers, harming plants and animals.

A. Compare and contrast

B. Descriptive

C. Cause and Effect

D. Problem and solution

C. Cause and effect


Which word/words are adjectives in the sentence below?

The man who is performing today is a well-known music artist.

well-known, music
