Key Event
Context Clues
Short a / Long a

1. Which of these is a key event from Chapter 1?
A. Peter wins a pet turtle at Jimmy Fargo's birthday party.
B. Peter eats two slices of birthday cake at the party.
C. Peter and his mom take the subway to Jimmy Fargo’s apartment.
D. Peter accidentally spills his drink on the floor during the party.

A. Peter wins a pet turtle at Jimmy Fargo's birthday party.

Rationale: Peter winning the pet turtle is the key event in Chapter 1, while the other details are less significant.


What does the word scorching most likely mean in this sentence?
A. Bright
B. Hot
C. Cold
D. Windy

B. Hot


2. What can the reader infer about Mr. Johnson from this story?

"Sara always brought a book with her to recess. While her friends played soccer, she found a quiet spot under the tree to read."

A. Sara enjoys spending time outdoors.
B. Sara prefers reading to playing sports.
C. Sara doesn't have many friends.
D. Sara is very athletic.

B. Sara prefers reading to playing sports.


1. What is the best evidence that Tommy was excited about his birthday party?

A. Tommy looked out the window at the rain and frowned.
B. Tommy asked his mom how many of his friends were coming to the party.
C. Tommy smiled and jumped up and down when he saw the cake.
D. Tommy quietly waited for his friends to arrive.

C. Tommy smiled and jumped up and down when he saw the cake.


The word paste is pronounced with the same vowel sound as - 

A. post

B. last

C. strain

D. marry

C. strain


2. Which of these is a key event from Chapter 3?
A. Fudge refuses to eat his dinner and throws a tantrum.
B. Peter is told he has to bring Fudge to Central Park to play with his friends.
C. Fudge gets his shoes stuck in the mud at Central Park.
D. Peter and Fudge ride the bus to Central Park with their mom.

B. Peter is told he has to bring Fudge to Central Park to play with his friends.

Rationale: The key event is Peter being forced to bring Fudge to the park, which leads to more problems later in the chapter.


"The timid rabbit cautiously peeked out from its burrow, ready to dash back inside at the first sign of danger."

What does the word timid most likely mean in this sentence?
A. Brave
B. Shy
C. Playful
D. Angry

B. Shy


2. What can the reader infer about Mr. Johnson from this story?

"Mr. Johnson greeted each student by name and always asked how their day was going. He never seemed too busy to stop and chat."

A. Mr. Johnson is forgetful.
B. Mr. Johnson is friendly and caring.
C. Mr. Johnson doesn't like to talk to students.
D. Mr. Johnson is very strict.

B. Mr. Johnson is friendly and caring.


2. What is the best evidence that Maya is a responsible student?

A. Maya worked on her homework before playing with her friends.
B. Maya told her teacher that she liked math the best.
C. Maya brought her lunchbox to school every day.
D. Maya forgot her jacket at recess but remembered to pick it up later.

A. Maya worked on her homework before playing with her friends.


The a in gallon is pronounced like the a in -

A. main

B. play

C. band

D. frame

C. band


3. Which of these is a key event from Chapter 5?
A. Fudge gets lost in the department store.
B. Peter and Fudge play hide and seek in the department store.
C. Fudge throws a temper tantrum because he can’t buy a toy.
D. Fudge ruins a display by knocking over a pile of shoes.

A. Fudge gets lost in the department store.

Rationale: Fudge getting lost in the department store is the major plot point, while the other options are minor events.  


3. Read the sentence from the passage:

"As the storm raged on, the trees swayed violently, bending under the powerful gusts of wind."

What does the word raged most likely mean in this sentence?
A. Whispered
B. Started
C. Calmed
D. Intensified

D. Intensified


3. What can the reader infer about Tommy from this story?

"When Tommy saw the little kitten shivering in the rain, he took off his jacket and gently wrapped it around the tiny animal."

A. Tommy is kind and compassionate.
B. Tommy is scared of animals.
C. Tommy doesn't like being in the rain.
D. Tommy is in a hurry.

A. Tommy is kind and compassionate.


3. What is the best evidence that Jake was nervous about the test?

A. Jake tapped his pencil on the desk and glanced at the clock repeatedly.
B. Jake finished his test in 10 minutes.
C. Jake asked his teacher what would be on the test.
D. Jake raised his hand to answer a question during the review.

A. Jake tapped his pencil on the desk and glanced at the clock repeatedly.


The word spray is pronounced with the same vowel sound as - 

A. faith

B. apple

C. rant

D. march

A. faith


4. Which of these is a key event from Chapter 7?
A. Peter has to clean his room because of Fudge’s mess.
B. Fudge eats Peter’s pet turtle.
C. Peter and Fudge argue over watching TV.
D. Fudge spills milk on Peter’s homework.

B. Fudge eats Peter’s pet turtle.

Rationale: Fudge eating Peter’s pet turtle is the major, shocking event in this chapter.


"After hiking all day, we were famished and couldn't wait to eat dinner."

What does the word famished most likely mean in this sentence?
A. Tired
B. Hungry
C. Thirsty
D. Excited

B. Hungry


4. What can the reader infer about Lisa from this story?

"Lisa worked for hours on her art project, carefully choosing each color and making sure every detail was just right."

A. Lisa is careless with her work.
B. Lisa is very creative and pays attention to details.
C. Lisa gets bored easily.
D. Lisa does not enjoy doing art projects.

B. Lisa is very creative and pays attention to details.


4. What is the best evidence that Lila is a fast runner?

A. Lila always volunteers to run errands for the teacher.
B. Lila came in first place in the school’s track meet.
C. Lila wore running shoes to school every day.
D. Lila practices running with her friends after school.

B. Lila came in first place in the school’s track meet.


The a in hats is pronounced like the a in -

A. harm

B. say

C. wags

D. mate

C. wags


5. Which of these is a key event from Chapter 9?
A. Fudge’s birthday party gets out of control.
B. Peter gets upset because his friends won’t attend Fudge’s party.
C. Peter eats three slices of birthday cake at the party.
D. Fudge refuses to play pin the tail on the donkey.

A. Fudge’s birthday party gets out of control.

Rationale: The chaos at Fudge's birthday party is the major event, while the other options are less important details.


"The intricate design on the vase showed the artist's great attention to detail."

What does the word intricate most likely mean in this sentence?
A. Simple
B. Detailed
C. Broken
D. Large

B. Detailed


5. What can the reader infer about Carlos from this story?

"Even though Carlos had never played basketball before, he practiced every day after school and soon became one of the best players on the team."

A. Carlos gives up easily.
B. Carlos is a natural at basketball.
C. Carlos is hardworking and determined.
D. Carlos doesn't enjoy playing sports.

C. Carlos is hardworking and determined.


5. What is the best evidence that Alex cares about animals?

A. Alex watches animal documentaries every weekend.
B. Alex has a dog that he takes for walks.
C. Alex volunteered at the animal shelter and helped take care of the pets.
D. Alex enjoys reading books about animals in his free time.

C. Alex volunteered at the animal shelter and helped take care of the pets.


Which word below is not a long a word?

A. taste

B. painful

C. fandom

D. betray

C. fandom
