When is FEHB Open Season?
2nd Monday in November to the 2nd Monday in December
What does FERS stand for?
Federal Employees Retirement System
What does the GPPA stand for?
Guide to Processing & Personnel Actions
What does CSRS stand for?
Civil Service Retirement System
What does FEGLI stand for?
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance
How long can a former federal employee carry Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC)?
18 Months following the free 31 day extension of coverage.
When was FERS first implemented?
January 1, 1987
What GPPA chapter covers Retirement?
Chapter 30
What does the "Offset" refer to in CSRS Offset?
The reduction of an employee's retirement contributions by SS taxes.
In general, how much does Basic Life Insurance cover an employe?
Annual Salary rounded up to the next nearest thousand, plus an additional $2K
When did premium conversion start?
October 2000
What are the mandatory LEOs requirements for age and years in service?
Age 57 with 20 years of service
What command in FPPS is used for changing someone's email address?
What percentage of their high 3 average salary can CSRS/CSRS offset employees receive if they have 41 years and 11 months of service?
OFEGLI is ran by which private company?
When was FEHB established?
July 1, 1960
Under FERS, employees can make a deposit for temporary service prior to what date?
January 1, 1989
What command in FPPS is used for TSP changes?
What form would a CSRS employee need to complete to elect into FERS?
SF 3109
5 years of service immediately prior to the date annuity starts or for the full period(s) of service during eligibility to be insured if less than 5 years (All Opportunity Requirement)
When did the coverage category "Self Plus One" start?
January 2016
What act created FERS?
What command do you use to identify that an employee has a court order for FEHB in FPPS?
How much can CSRS/CSRS offset employees contribute to the VCP?
10% of their basic pay
What is a living benefit?
Allows basic insurance to be paid before death and is only available if you have a medical prognosis of 9 months, or less, to live