How long did Grendel terrorize Herot?

Grendel terrorized Herot for 12 years.


In lines 170-175, what outrageous statement does Beowulf make?

Beowulf said that Hothager's own men brought terror to the darkness.


Find three details or descriptions of Grendel that show his monstrosity.

Grendals “swift hard claws, “shepherd of evil”, “sin stained demon”.


What is the significance of the “single victim” (line 411) that Grendel’s mother chooses?

She chooses Hothgars closes friend, getting Hothgar to send Bouwulf to kill her.


What was different about the weapon that Beowulf used to defeat Grendel’s mother? Who was it blessed by?

Bouwulf used a giant magical sword made by the giants that no ordinary man could lift to kill Grendel's mom. It was blessed by the giants.


Why might the Anglo-Saxons have a problem with the way Grendel attacked?

The Anglo-Saxons might have had a problem with the way Grendel was attacking because he was attacking at night when people were asleep and defenseless which is a cowardly act.  


List three of Beowulf’s former achievements. What reason might he have for telling this to the Danes?

Beowulf has risen from the darkness of war dripping in his enemies blood. He has also driven five giants into chains. He also ”hunts monsters out of the ocean, and killing them one by one” Beowulf listed these things to show that he could handle Grendel and handle their monster problem.


 How does Beowulf defeat Grendel? What is taken as a trophy? What is done with it?

Beowulf defeats Grendel by ripping off his arm with his strength. They take Grendel's arm as a trophy and hang it from the rafters of Herot.


The lines referring to, “No female…” (line 400) gives the reader a glimpse of the way women were  viewed in the Anglo-Saxon period. What inferences can you logically make?

Women were view as not important and are seen as people that don't matter.


What happened to the “blessed” sword? Why do you think this happened?

The blessed sword melts. This happens because the sword has served its purpose and is done with its life.


List and provide the line numbers for two Kennings used in place of Grendel.

“Writching monster” line 289. “Sin stained demon” 324.


Why do you think Beowulf might have traveled all the way to Denmark to fight Grendel?

Beowulf traveled all the way to Denmark because he heard about Herot and the amazing king so he went to bring honor back to Hrothgar and Herot.


How does Beowulf’s outrageous boast end up working to his advantage?

Gernadal is invisible to weapons so Beowulf using no weapon helps him to defeat Greandal by beowulf using pure strength to beat him.


Lines 425-449 have a problem-solution structure. Determine both the problem and solution.

The problem is Greandal mom has kill Hothgars friend and the solution is Houthgaer is sand Beowulf to go kill him.


Some believe that Beowulf is the first superhero, list at least 3 examples from the text that could support this argument.

“Work her finger through the tight ring-woven mail on his breast, but tore and scratched in vain” of him who of all the men on earth was the strongest.” and “The best of all weapons but so massive that no ordinary man could lyft it.”


To what “Epic Theme” could lines 23-29 be referring?

The epic theme of monsters like goblins and giants.


What is Beowulf asking Hrothgar? What reasons might Hrothgar have for refusing this request?

Beowulf is asking Hathgar to let him kill his monster and shelter his men and give him food and a place to stay. He might refuse because he wants to kill the monster and bring honor back to his own kingdom and not have to feed and find shelter for not even his own men.


In line 273, the poet uses the kennings “shepherd of evil” and “guardian of crime” and in line  311 he uses “hell’s captive” to describe Grendel. What do these kennings tell us about Grendel’s  character?

 It shows that Gerndal is this very brave and powerful monster that is pure evil that has come straight from hell.


Name two techniques the poet uses to capture the ferocity of the battle on page 55.

The poet uses irony to make suspense for the battle. They also use imagery to show that this could be gruesome and make the battle when it comes seem worse.


What characteristics of an Epic are present in both the details of the battle as well as the setting?

battle Beowulf and the monster he faced are incredibly strong and also monsters aren't real. Settings are part of the epic because the battle with Grendel mom was at the bottom of the lake with a day journey to get there.


List at least 5 instances of Christian elements being placed in the story (for example: references  to “God” or “the Almighty”). Include the line number.

Line 84 “Throne, protected by God-God”, line 95 “Always in their hearts, knowing neither God”, line 101 “To those who will rise to God, drop off”,line 212 “To his terror. Surely the lord Almighty”,line 234 “Hills and bogs, bringing God hatred. 



Do you think Beowulf is arrogant? Why or why not?

 Beowulf is not arrogant because he is helping others by killing their monsters and doing this still knowing he might die and never running from any battle he was in.


In lines 360-374, list 5 pieces of imagery the poet uses to describe the pursuit of the mortally  mutilated monster. What effect does this imagery have on Grendel’s death?

Five pieces of imagery are “He twisted in pain”, “bleeding sinews deep”, “his shoulder snapped muscle and done spit”, “swept groening and helpless”and “Strength was deserting him”. This information makes Grendal's death much worse because we see the gore and pain he went through.


In what sort of place does Grendel’s Mother live? What details of setting help to create an ominous  mood?

Gendal's mom lives in a cave at the bottom of a dark muggy swamp. Which helps create the ominous mood. Beowulf swimming to the bottom of the ocean for days and then getting dragged in this dark cave to this doom struggling to get away also helps create an ominous mood.


Find the kenning at the bottom of page 60.

“Beloved leader” is the kenning used at the bottom of page 60.
