the name of the king of the Danes and the name of the meadhall
Who is Hrothgar, and what is Herot?
the reason that Grendel was upset
What is the noise of the Danes?
the location of the battle with Grendel's mother
What is a creepy, burning lake in the forest/ an underwater battle hall?
the reason that the dragon is awakened
What is a servant runs in the barrow to flee from his master and steals something?
the items buried underneath Beowulf's tower
What is the gold from the fight with the dragon?
the way that the story of Beowulf was originally told
What is verbally, by bards?
name one advantage that Beowulf had in the battle
What is chain-mail armor, surprise, super-human strength?
the weapon that Beowulf used to kill Grendel's mother
What is a sword forged by giants?
the relation between Wiglaf and Beowulf
What is cousins, Wiglaf to be Beowulf's successor?
the poetic device involving repetition in the beginning sound of multiple words
What is alliteration?
explain the debt between Beowulf and the Danes
What is Hrothgar helped Beowulf's father out of a fued with another clan?
Grendel's relationship to Cain and the significance
What is Grendel is a descendent of Cain, so he is cursed to be an outcast for eternity?
the two items that Beowulf returns to Herot with
What is the hilt of the giant's sword and Grendel's head?
why Wiglaf is mad at Beowulf's soldiers
What is they run away from Beowulf while he is fighting the dragon and needs them most?
an example of Christianity in the poem
What is Beowulf being descended from Cain, explaining creation at the beginning, Beowulf being protected/ favored by God?
the two religious views that Beowulf contains
What is Christianity and paganism?
Beowulf's trophy from the battle and where he put it
Grendel's mother's strategy
What is taking one Dane, Hrothgar's best friend, and dragging him back to her lair?
name one issue that Beowulf faces while fighting the dragon
a compound expression with a metaphorical meaning
the reason that Beowulf has Christian tones in it
What is it was originally written down by a Christian monk?
the one thing that Grendel could not touch and the reason why
What is the throne because it was protected by God?
a difference between the battle with Grendel and the battle with Grendel's mother
What is Beowulf uses a weapon, Grendel's mother is not scared, Beowulf deals a killing blow?
What is for Wiglaf to retrieve the gold and for a tower to be built for him?
a component in the walls of Beowulf's tower
What are his ashes?