This character is king of the Danes
Who is Hrothgar?
The reason Grendel is unable to attack King Hrothgar
What is because Hrothgar is protected by God?
Grendel finally shows fear when this happens
What is when Grendel is held fast in Beowulf's grip?
The warriors feel this way about not helping Beowulf
What is Sad/Embarrassed?
The dragon hoards this
What is gold and treasures?
This character is the main character and a hero
Who is Beowulf?
The reason Hrothgar's hall has been deserted for twelve years
What is Grendel's vicious attacks that occur every night?
Beowulf inflicts this wound on Grendel
What is Beowulf rips Grendel's arm off?
Beowulf does this action when he sees Grendel's body in the lair
What is cuts off Grendel's head?
Grendel's mother uses this item to try and kill Beowulf
What is Beowulf's sword?
This character is the first monster Beowulf faces
Who is Grendel?
Why Beowulf fights Grendel without weapons
What is so it is a fair fight and weapons can't hurt Grendel?
This is the reason that the Danes have such a difficult time fighting Grendel
What is Grendel doesn't fight according to men's rules?
This character rushes in to help Beowulf fight the dragon
Who is Wiglaf?
Beowulf sees a "tremendous sword" here in the lair of Grendel's mother
What is on the wall in Grendel's mother's cave.?
This character is the second monster that Beowulf faces
Who is Grendel's Mother?
Hrothgar's wisest advisor; Grendel's mother kills this Dane
Who is Aeshere?
This item saves Beowulf's life from Grendel's mother's near-fatal attack
What is Beowulf's mail shirt?
Beowulf wishes he could fight the dragon this way
What is with his bare hands as he fought Grendel?
Beowulf fight Grendel here?
What is Herot?
This person is Beowulf's lone warrior who stays by his side
Who is Wiglaf?
Beowulf uses this item (NAME) to battle Grendel`s mother
What is an ancient sword called Hrunting ?
The wound Beowulf receives from the dragon causes this
What is causes a fatal wound?
Beowulf is King for this amount of time
What is 50 winters (50 years)?
Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him this before he dies
What is the dragon's treasures?