The hero of the story
Who is Beowulf?
What is an inference question?
What is "when the text does not directly answer the question"?
What is theme?
What is "the lesson or moral taught by a story"?
What is a summary?
What is "1-2 complete sentences telling the main idea and key points of a text"?
The soldier's lament Beowulf's death & build a tower in remembrance of their King.
What is "to weep or cry with sadness"?
The king of the Danes
Who is King Hrothgar?
It's not that he couldn't find the ball. It was sitting right in the middle of the lawn, just beyond the fence. The fence was not very high either. Emilio could probably get a running start, grab the top of the fence, and flip right over it. But there was a dog, a large Rottweiler with a spiked collar. Why won't Emilio jump over the fence to get the ball?
What is "because he is afraid of the dog"?
Jenny hated reading class. She didn’t understand point of view or figurative language, and not knowing how to do the work frustrated her. She asked the teacher for help, but he spoke so fast and used such big words that she still couldn’t understand. The teacher asked if she understood, and she nodded her head, but she didn’t. Jenny’s friend Katie knew that Jenny was having trouble, and, rather than just giving Jenny all of the answers, Katie explained to Jenny how to solve the problems. Katie spoke clearly and at Jenny’s level, and Jenny was happy that she finally learned how to do the work. Later in the week, Katie was having trouble in math class. She didn’t understand coordinates and was really frustrated. Seeing that Katie was having problems, Jenny, who understood math very well, taught Katie coordinates. Both girls made honor roll that quarter. What is the theme?
What is "working together will help you be successful"?
What were the three battles Beowulf faced in the poem?
Beowulf killed Grendel, & then battled Grendel's mother. After he became an old king, he killed the dragon that was terrorizing his kingdom.
After drinking too much mead, the men sprawled their bodies out on the floor to rest.
What is "to stretch out?"
They have seen my strength for themselves, have watched me rise from the darkness of war.
What is Powerful, Brave, or Arrogant/Prideful
The monster's hall was full of Rich treasures, but all that Beowulf took was Grendel's head and hilt of the giants' jeweled sword. Why does Beowulf only take the monster's head and sword?
What is "Because he only cares about fame/glory/honor"?
Katie exhaled calmly. After several long nights of studying, she finally felt ready for the exam. Walking into her English class the next morning, Katie coolly focused on the task before her. As the teacher walked up and down the rows distributing the test, Katie heard a noise, "Psst" Katie turned to see Shannon staring at her desperately. Shannon whispered, "I forgot to study. Please let me copy off of you. I'll do anything." Katie refused, "I can't risk it Shannon." Each knew that if the teacher caught them, they would both fail, but Shannon persisted, "Come on, Katie. Help me out. I'll give you fifty bucks." The teacher turned toward them from across the room, "Ladies, please, it's test time." Katie didn't want to jeopardize her future, but fifty dollars was a lot of money to her, so she silently nodded at Shannon. During the exam Katie kept her test document on the corner of her desk near Shannon, giving Shannon a clear view of all of her hard work. Shannon copied Katie's test exactly, even the writing portion word for word. After the test Katie approached Shannon in the hallway. "When am I going to get the fifty dollars?" Shannon sneered at her. "Ha, never. What are you going to tell someone that you let me copy? Please..." Shannon snapped at Katie. Katie ran away crying, upset that she had been deceived and worried that she would get caught cheating. What is the theme?
What is "Don't let bad friends convince you to do something wrong." or "True friends won't trick you" or "Do what is right, not what your friend is telling you to do"?
What happened in the first battle with Grendel?
Beowulf & his men slept in Herot until Grendel came. When he came, Beowulf tore his arm off; so Grendel eventually died.
Grendel was banished by God because of his father Cain.
What is "to send away as punishment"?
"He heard how Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out, proclaiming that he'd go to that famous king when help was needed."
What is Brave, Leader, Prideful/Arrogant?
As day after day the music rang loud in that hall, the harp's rejoicing call and the poet's clear songs, sung of the ancient beginnings of us all. What type of place is Herot hall before Grendel comes?
What is "happy/joyful"?
Flames beat at the iron shield, and for a time it held, protected Beowulf as he'd planned; then it began to melt, and for the first time in his life that famous prince fought with fate against him; with glory denied him. What theme is represented here?
What is fate?
What happened in the last battle?
Beowulf's shield melted, so Wiglaf came to help him beat the dragon. However, Beowulf was too injured and died.
Beowulf gave his mail-shirt to Wiglaf to protect him during the war.
What is "a metal shirt to protect a solider in war"?
A thesis answering this question: What is the character Beowulf like?
Beowulf is a _______________, _________________, and _____________ man. Or Beowulf shows traits such as ________________, _____________, and _______________ throughout the poem.
But fate that night intended Grendel to gnaw the broken bones of his last human supper. What is this line foreshadowing?
What is "the death of Grendel"?
None of his comrades (friends) came him, helped him, his brave and noble followers; they ran for their lives, fled deep in a wood; And only one of them remained, stood there, miserable, remembering, as a good man must...what kinship should mean... What theme is represented here?
What is loyalty?
What happened after Beowulf died? What did Wiglaf and the other soldiers do?
Wiglaf became king & held a funeral for Beowulf. The men built a monument & mourned Beowulf's death.
Wiglaf plundered the dragon's cave and brought the gold to Beowulf.
What is "to steal treasure or goods"?