What is Newton's FIRST law of motion
What are the 4 forces acting on an airplane
lift, weight, drag, and thrust
What year did the Wright brothers use the principles of aerodynamics
Bernoulli's Principle states
Faster air means less pressure, slower air means more pressure
What is Newton's SECOND law of motion
force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time.
Which force of flight is the same as gravity on an object
What year did Newton publish the book "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
The upward force created by the wings moving through the air that keeps the airplane in flight
What is Newton's THIRD law of motion
for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Why is the top of the airplanes wing curved?
So that the air rushing over the top of the wing speeds up which decreases the air pressure above the wing.
What year did Bernoulli publish "Hydrodynamica" a study in fluid dynamics
The rate of SPEED in a certain DIRECTION with which something happens
Which laws of motion are especially helpful in explaining the phenomenon of flight
Newton's FIRST and THIRD laws of motion
Which force is the "key" to aerodynamics that keeps object in the air
In ______, Wilbur and Orville Wright, two brothers from Dayton, OH, became the first people to fly a heavier than air, power controlled machine, known as the Wright Flyer.
The amount of pressure it has on an object; it can be high or low, depending on the speed at which it travels
Air Pressure
Which forces of flight is related to Newton's THIRD law of motion
Drag and thrust
Air is considered a ______ because it flows and can take on different shapes.