April showers bring what?
May Flowers
This flower is purple and rhymes with locust.
When is April Fools day
April 1
What is a baby cow called.
What months does spring start
Dont put all your eggs.....
In one basket
The name of a big tall yellow flower
Sun flower
The holiday is April 22nd and promotes a healthy happy environment?
Earth day
A baby deer is called what.
What do you see on trees BEFORE the leaves grow?
flowers, buds
If in the autumn we "fall back" what do we do in the spring with daylight savings time?
Spring foreward
This flower comes in many color combinations, but most ofter with white petals and a gold or yellow center. What is this flower that shares its name with Donald Duck's girlfriend?
What is the holiday is held on March 17th
What is St. Patricks day
What is a baby goose called.
What bird do you usually see when spring starts? (starts with R)
These two words can be changed in position for this quote...In like a ____ and out like a _____.
The holiday is held on the second Sunday in May?
Mothers day
A baby horse can be called this.
What season comes before spring?
What makes the heart grow fonder?
This flower has a strong scent and is usually found in the "Valley".
Lily of the Valley
Holiday of bunnies?!
What is a baby dinosaur or alligator called. Starts with an H.
Which vegetable has the term ‘spring’ in its name?
spring onions