This leader was in the marines
What does DISC stand for
Discover Inspire Solve Close
This Leader plays to much CIV
What is the Demo Strategy
Predict Prove Confirm
Store wide what is the minimum dollar amount to qualify for 12 months of 0%
What area of selling skills should take the most time?
What tool can help you break down rewards and financing offer
Branded Payment Calculator /SS
When can geek squad be added to a product.
Within the return period
This leader is an avid skateboarder
When should you discuss the Best Buy card with customers.
Early during the Discover step
What year did Geek Squad become a part of Best Buy
This leader is way to obsessed with their cat
Adam W
What tool can easily be used to find out the customers status with us
Solution Sidekick
How long after purchase can you add apple care to an iPhone
2 years