This process, often described as “survival of the fittest,” is the primary mechanism of evolution.

A) Genetic Drift
B) Natural Selection
C) Artificial Selection
D) Stabilizing Selection

natural selection


This process involves the breakdown of rocks and minerals through chemical, physical, or biological means.

A) Denudation
B) Decomposition
C) Weathering
D) Exfoliation

Weathering- if wrong give 100 of your points to someone


What is the name of the connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones?
A) Ligament
B) Cartilage
C) Tendon
D) Aponeurosis

C) Tendon


Which treaty ended World War I and imposed heavy reparations on Germany?

A) Treaty of Versailles
B) Treaty of Trianon
C) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
D) Treaty of Saint-Germain

A) Treaty of Versailles 

- treaties all around!! if you get this right get 50 points


What is the term for the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others?

A) Emotional intelligence
B) Social intelligence
C) Cognitive intelligence
D) Interpersonal skills

A) Emotional intelligence 

if you got this wrong.. its in the name- lose 150 points


This term refers to the annual shedding and replacement of feathers in birds, essential for maintaining flight efficiency

A) Molting
B) Ecdysis
C) Fledging
D) Plumage



This type of rock forms through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

A) Sedimentary Rock
B) Igneous Rock
C) Metamorphic Rock
D) Volcanic Tuff

igneous rock 


Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary?

A) Smooth muscle
B) Cardiac muscle
C) Skeletal muscle
D) Epithelial tissue

B) Cardiac muscle

If right delete 50 points from 2 people



Which ideology advocates for a classless society and was notably developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?

A) Capitalism
B) Socialism
C) Communism
D) Anarchism

C) Communism 

if you get this wrong give 200 of your points to lowest scoreing person


What type of hallucination is most commonly experienced by individuals with schizophrenia?

A) Auditory hallucinations
B) Visual hallucinations
C) Tactile hallucinations
D) Olfactory hallucinations

 A) Auditory hallucinations


The process by which an amphibian undergoes dramatic changes from larva to adult

A) Metamorphosis
B) Morphogenesis
C) Ontogeny
D) Transfiguration



This term describes the supercontinent that existed around 335 million years ago before breaking apart.

A) Rozasia
B) Pannotia
C) Laurasia
D) Pangaea


-if right get extra 100


What is the primary muscle involved in respiration?
A) Diaphragm
B) Intercostal Muscles
C) Rectus Abdominis
D) Lungs 

A) Diaphragm 

Breath you've got this! here is a pity point ( 1 ) if you picked lungs... dumbass


Which geological era, known for the dominance of reptiles, includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods?
A) Paleozoic
B) Mesozoic
C) Cenozoic
D) Precambrian

B) Mesozoic bro doesn't play ark


Which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information?

A) Occipital lobe
B) Temporal lobe
C) Parietal lobe
D) Frontal lobe

A) Occipital lobe


This deep-sea creature, known for its ability to withstand crushing pressures and freezing temperatures, can survive at depths of over 6,000 meters. It has evolved bioluminescence to attract prey.

A) Anglerfish
B) Gulper eel
C) Abyssal octopus
D) Lanternfish

anglerfish if wrong lose 50 points


This scale, ranging from 1 to 10, measures the hardness of minerals based on scratch resistance

 A) Knoop Scale
 B) Mohs Scale
 C) Vickers Scale
 D) Vangos Scale

Mohs scale. 

if right get 150 extra points: what is glass ranked on this scale?

within .5


What structure in the human brain is responsible for regulating homeostasis and is often referred to as the "master gland"?

 A) Pineal Gland
B) Hypothalamus
C) Pituitary Gland
D) Thalamus

 : B) Hypothalamus 

if get the massa gland right- get 100


The "Triangle Trade" refers to the transatlantic trade system that involved which three regions?

 A) Europe, Africa, and Asia
B) Europe, Africa, and the Americas
C) North America, South America, and Asia
D) Asia, Africa, and Australia

B) Europe, Africa, and the Americas


What is the primary function of a synapse in the nervous system?

A) To transmit signals from one neuron to another
B) To generate action potentials
C) To store neurotransmitters
D) To produce myelin

A) To transmit signals from one neuron to another


This phylum includes animals like jellyfish and sea anemones, characterized by their radial symmetry and stinging cells.

A) Cnidaria
B) Echinodermata
C) Porifera
D) Mollusca

Cnidaria if right ghet 100 points from 2 people


What is the term for the boundary where two tectonic plates slide past each other, which is associated with transform faults and significant seismic activity, such as the San Andreas Fault?
A) Divergent Boundary
B) Convergent Boundary
C) Transform Boundary
D) Subduction Zone

C) Transform Boundary

-if right take 150 from someone


What is the primary role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

A) Lipid synthesis
B) Protein synthesis
C) Detoxification
D) Energy production

B) Protein synthesis



Which of the following events is considered the first significant victory for the American colonists during the Revolutionary War, signaling that they could challenge British military might?

A) Battle of Bunker Hill
B) Battle of Saratoga
C) Siege of Yorktown
D) Battle of Lexington and Concord

B) Battle of Saratoga 

if you got this.. ya get an extra 250


Which brain structure is primarily involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms?

A) Hypothalamus
B) Thalamus
C) Pineal Gland
D) Cerebellum

C) Pineal Gland

If right take 100 of someones points
