The sibling of a American food staple
Who is Slider?
A fight prompted by this certain drink in CHI DEV.
What is Strawberry Acai- Gate
The only thing this person wanted for Christmas was a new water bottle.
Who is Chris B?
A staple to a half day at woods.
What is Black Rock?
What liquid refreshment is the only thing that reminds EC of summer?
What is a Watermelon high noon.
A phrase used to celebrate someone one day a year, followed by the name of this man.
Who is Happy Birthday Thomas
A fight prompted by The Warde vs Ludlowe basketball game?
What is Chickfila-Gate
A person who wanted to HU with EC.
Who is MG?
The place where we encountered Sean for the first time since middle school?
What is The Circle Dinner?
Acronym for when someone is perfect- Example: Emma Stone
What is BAF (baby angel face)
A clothing brand or in this case, man.
Who is Shien?
A fight prompted in Chi Dev, prompted by a ms keleher question to this girl- we still don't know the answer
What is I-Wish-I-Spoke-Spanish Gate
Two years ago, you may have seen this certain someone in pajama pants and broken glasses.
Who is JD?
A place us three will never see again, specifically in the summer.
What is Bay Head New Jersey?
Halloween costume worn by (mostly) every male at M's halloween party?
What is a basketball jersey?
The superhero name of this certain hero.
Who is Super Dez?
A fight prompted by EC in march of last year
What is Sadies-Gate
Staples of this persons clothing include, glasses, a chain, white shirt and another obvious object.
Who is BK?
The names of the three places you could have eaten lunch at Woods.
What is Project adventure room, weight room and big cafeteria.
Something Adrianna and Scarlett suffered from towards the end of freshman year, red for Scarlett, orange for Adrianna.
What is tanning addiction?
This rabbit meme goes hand in hand with this person.
Who is Chungus?
A fight prompted by The Wolf of Wall Street
What is Married for Money- Gate
You may catch him sending a dog filter in freshman-sophomore year to a certain someone.
Who is Jake?
A place (to live) that you could have seen in the spring of freshman year?
What is the sister's fortress?
Finish the lyrics- Hey hey you you say you want my boyfriend ____
I promise you can have him