Hallmark Christmas
It's a CHRISTmas Miracle, Charlie Brown
Finish The Lyric
Desserts around the World
Christmas Records

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan star in this holiday themed movie, loosely based around the classic film "Shop Around the Corner" 

What is You've Got Mail 


These two Gospels do not mention the birth of Christ

What are Mark and John? 


With every Christmas card I write
May ________

What is "Your days be merry and bright" (White Christmas) 


This dessert was named after a Russian ballerina, potentially during a tour through New Zealand/Australia

What is Pavlova?


This rustic country set the world record for largest pot of mulled wine, 2034.78 litres, in February 2016 

What is Italy? 


If you're taking advice from this holiday movie, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear 

What is Elf? 


In the ninth chapter of Isaiah's gospel, what four titles are ascribed to the coming Messiah? 

What is: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace 


I don't care about the presents

What is "Underneath the Christmas tree" (All I Want For Christmas Is You) 


This European sweet bread, served in the Christmas season,  is dusted with icing sugar to appeal to your sweet tooth

What is German Stollen (Christstollen)? 


Researchers from this Scottish university produced the world's smallest Christmas card, which is is 200 micro-metres wide by 290 micro-metres tall

What is the University of Glasgow? 


This equally greedy business partner pays the protagonist a surprising Christmas visit in Charles Dickens' novella, A Christmas Carol

Who is Jacob Marley? 


According to the Mosaic law, what sacrifice did Joseph and Mary offer for the purification of Jesus on the eighth day at the temple? 

What is a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons


With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When ________

What is "When friends come to call" (It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year) 


This sweet, starchy cake is made with coconut milk and rice flour or cassava and baked in a tin lined with banana leaves.

What is bibingka? (Philippines) 


This southern state was once home to the world's largest gingerbread house, which was 60 ft long, 42 ft wide and 10.1 ft tall 

What is Texas? (Bryan, Texas, record set in 2013)


In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, George receives this book as a gift from Clarence

What is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? 


These five women are mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus

Who are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, the wife of Uriah (Bathsheba), Mary 


Everyone's dancing merrily
In the ________

What is "new old fashioned way" (Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree) 


This country enjoys "diples," where thin sheets of dough are folded and cut into various shapes and sizes, then fried in oil and drizzled with a honey syrup.

What is Greece? 


The world's largest gingerbread man weighed 651 kg (1,435 lb 3 oz) and was made by a European location of this chain home decor store on 9 November 2009. 

What is IKEA? (Made at IKEA Furuset (Norway) in Oslo, Norway!) 


In the 1983 classic movie A Christmas Story, who gifts Ralphie a pink bunny onesie for Christmas?

Who is Aunt Clara? 


Luke 2 describes the prophetess Anna and gives what two details about her lineage (daughter of/tribe?) 

What are daughter of Phanuel, and tribe of Asher


Another year has come and passed
Like ________ 

(from "The Lost Christmas Eve" by Trans Siberian Orchestra) 

What is "moments through an hourglass" 


In this country, it’s tradition to fill children’s stockings with presents and sweets on the night of January 5, the night before Epiphany.

What is Italy? (Carbone dolce) 


This African country set the record for largest group of Christmas carolers

What is Nigeria? 
