"Lets Write About It"
"Mind, Emotion, Authority"
"Say It With Your Chest"
"What is the reason !!??"

This sentence, located in the introduction paragraph, let's readers know what the author will be writing about.

What is a Thesis Statement?


"50% off sale ends at midnight !! Don't miss your chance to shop till' you drop" is an example of this rhetorical appeal.

What is Kairos?


"The teacher asked us to be quiet a million times"

What is Hyperbole?


The author's reason or motivation for writing a specific text.

What is Author's Purpose?


This is needed in all body paragraphs to support ideas.

What is Evidence?


___________ is the quality of rhetoric where a speaker or writer indicates their knowledge, trustworthiness, morality, and good character.

What is Ethos?


"They stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint” is an example of a ________.

What is a Simile?

Books such as recipes, dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific journals, travel guides, etc. are written for this purpose.

What is To inform/informing/informative?


Argumentative writing requires the writer to _______________ its audience to agree, join a cause, donate, vote for something, take action, etc. 

What is Persuade?


This particular appeal would support a claim by citing evidence and explaining the relevance of the evidence to the claim.

What is Logos?


"To my dog, our neighborhood park is the Garden of Eden."

What is Allusion?


Description; Sequence/Instruction/Process; Cause/Effect; Compare/Contrast; Problem/Solution are all examples of ________________ text structure

What is Informational/Informative?


"Others say that students should be allowed to carry cell phones for emergency purposes. But, there are plenty of other, less-disruptive ways for parents and students to communicate" is an example of these two writing elements.

What is Counterclaim and Rebuttal?


Shakespeare utilizes this rhetorical appeal in Romeo and Juliet when he manipulates the elements of timing and circumstance to cause each character to commit suicide, eliciting deep remorse and regret in the surviving characters and in the audience.  

What is Pathos?


________ is understood across time and culture: a heart represents love, the sky represents limitlessness, and a fire represents power—or destruction, or rebirth, depending on how it’s employed.

What is Symbolism?


Authors want to interest the reader. These texts can be happy, sad, or even spooky, but their primary purpose is to draw the reader into the text.

What is Entertain?


This genre of writing asks you to investigate a topic; to gather, read and evaluate evidence on both sides; and to present a position on your topic based on the evidence gathered in the conclusion.

What is Discursive?


Patrick Henry uses this rhetorical appeal when he says "our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance have produced additional violence insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne." 

What is Logos?


 Tender like a night in June,
Sweeter than a honeymoon,
Brighter than a silver spoon,
Just as crazy as a loon.

Softer than a lullaby,
Deeper than the midnight sky,
Soulful as a baby’s cry,
My sweet potato pie.

What is Imagery?


Using a wide range of evidence such as scientific studies, opinions from experts, historical precedent, statistics, personal anecdotes, and current events are all types of evidence that you might use in explaining your point for the benefit of influence.

What is Persuade?
