It's the 1st thing you should do when you sit down and start preparing your children's lesson?
What is pray for the lesson and the children you lead?
The ____ is the "Big Idea" of the Bible Story.
What is the Main Truth?
2 -3 sentences at the beginning of your story.
What is the introduction?
2 times
What is the recommended number if times to repeat the SV?
Music Time
What is time to MAGNIFY GOD through WORSHIP?
After praying for the lesson and the children you lead it's next step in bible story prep?
What is read the scripture passage and sample bible story?
The main truth should be told _____ for ______. As is in the sample story.
What is word for word. As it is in sample story.
Story Individualization
What is pictures, dialogue, tone, voice inflection, sign language, dramatic pause, noises, clarification of words, interesting props, add or reduce story details?
1 -2 sentences
How may sentences used to clarify words or explain SV?
A word that is true about God that supports the story and gives direction to music selection and intros.
What is an Attribute?
The BSF Vision
What is to Magnify God and Mature His People?
The Main Truth should be repeated at least ____ times in the Bible Story.
2 times.
May contain SV or MT. Positive not preachy. Brief not rambling.
What is the closing sentence?
Hold the bible and say this is from the Bible, God's true Word.
What you say and do as you share the SV?
Each music intro should about ___ sentence? (hint:#)
What is 2 or 3?
Your Co-leaders
Who are your partners, to support and strengthen each other, as you guide the next generation to know God and His Word?
During Music or Scripture Verse Time
What are other times the Main Truth can be integrated?
A good way to transition, occupy or distract?
What is a finger play?
It is ____ likely the children will fully memorize the weekly Scripture Verse during this brief time at Class Meeting.
What is NOT.
Sentence relating to MT, Story, Attribute or to clarify a the meaning of a word.
What to include in the 2 music intros?
Passionate Persuit of God and Dependance on Him, joyfully embracing your Savior's love and grace - in complete assurance that you no longer stand condemned.
The HERO in every bible story.
Who is God?
6 to 9 Sentences
What is the average attention span for a child under two years old.
____ the Holy Spirit to build and layer understanding on this foundation.
What is TRUST?
Instruments, clapping, swaying, waving hands, hand gestures, loud/soft.
What are example of Music Time Activities?