T/F - is the following a true or false definition of the target population?

Eligibility and exclusion criteria for the Drug Court are predicated on empirical evidence indicating which types of offenders can be treated safely and effectively in Drug Courts. Candidates are evaluated for admission to the Drug Court using evidence-based assessment tools and procedures.



T/F- is the following a true or false definition of equity and inclusion?

Individuals who have historically experienced sustained discrimination or reduced social opportunities because of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, physical or mental disability, religion, or socioeconomic status receive different opportunities as other individuals to participate and succeed in the Drug Court.


Individuals who have historically experienced sustained discrimination or reduced social opportunities because of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, physical or mental disability, religion, or socioeconomic status receive the same opportunities as other individuals to participate and succeed in the Drug Court.


T/F- is the following a true or false definition of the roles and responsibilities of the judge. 

The Drug Court judge stays abreast of current law and research on best practices in Drug Courts, participates whenever available in team meetings, interacts frequently and respectfully with participants, and gives due consideration to the input of other team members.


The Drug Court judge stays abreast of current law and research on best practices in Drug Courts, participates regularly in team meetings, interacts frequently and respectfully with participants, and gives due consideration to the input of other team members.


T/F- is the following a true or false definition of incentives, sanctions, & therapeutic adjustments?

Consequences for participants’ behavior are predictable, fair, consistent, and administered in accordance with evidence-based principles of effective behavior modification & a team vote. 


Consequences for participants’ behavior are predictable, fair, consistent, and administered in accordance with evidence-based principles of effective behavior modification.


T/F is the following a true or false definition of substance use disorder treatment

Participants receive substance use disorder treatment based on a standardized assessment of their treatment needs. Substance use disorder treatment is not provided to reward desired behaviors, punish infractions, or serve other nonclinically indicated goals. Treatment providers are trained and supervised to deliver a clinical opinion that are documented in treatment manuals.


Participants receive substance use disorder treatment based on a standardized assessment of their treatment needs. Substance use disorder treatment is not provided to reward desired behaviors, punish infractions, or serve other nonclinically indicated goals. Treatment providers are trained and supervised to deliver a continuum of evidence-based interventions that are documented in treatment manuals.


Should a drug court mix participants with different risk and need levels?



True or False

Drug Courts have an affirmative legal and ethical obligation to provide equal access to their services and equivalent treatment for all individuals.



Who makes the final decision concerning the imposition of incentives or sanctions? 

The judge.


Recovery courts should apply a jail sanction of a minimum of one week.


A multisite study found that Drug Courts that had a policy of applying jail sanctions of longer than one week were associated with increased recidivism and negative cost-benefits (Carey et al., 2012). Drug Courts that relied on jail sanctions of longer than two weeks were two and a half times less effective at reducing crime and 45% less cost-effective than Drug Courts that tended to impose shorter jail sanctions.


What are some of the continuums of care listed in the criteria?

The Drug Court offers a continuum of care for substance use disorder treatment including detoxification, residential, sober living, day treatment, intensive outpatient and outpatient services.


Based on best practices should we exclude offenders with a history of drug dealing? 


Criminal History Disqualifications Current or prior offenses may disqualify candidates from participation in the Drug Court if empirical evidence demonstrates offenders with such records cannot be managed safely or effectively in a Drug Court. Barring legal prohibitions, offenders charged with drug dealing or those with violence histories are not excluded automatically from participation in the Drug Court.


What are the most under represented groups in drug court? 

African American & Hispanic or Latino. 



It doesn't matter if participants appear in front of the same judge their entire program. 


Name one reason to terminate a client from recovery court. 

Participants may be terminated from the Drug Court if they pose an immediate risk to public safety, are unwilling or unable to engage in treatment, or are too impaired to benefit from the treatments that are available in their community. If none of these conditions are met, then in most cases the most effective course of action will be to adjust a nonresponsive participant’s treatment or supervision requirements or apply escalating sanctions.


True or False

Participants are not incarcerated to achieve clinical or social service objectives such as obtaining access to detoxification services or sober living quarters.



Should drug court teams apply subjective criteria or personal impressions to determine participants' suitability for the program? 


Objective Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria Eligibility and exclusion criteria are defined objectively, specified in writing, and communicated to potential referral sources including judges, law enforcement, defense attorneys, prosecutors, treatment professionals, and community supervision officers. The Drug Court team does not apply subjective criteria or personal impressions to determine participants’ suitability for the program.


What is implicit bias

Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviors. Research has shown implicit bias can pose a barrier to recruiting and retaining a diverse scientific workforce.


What is the standard frequency of status hearings?

No less than every two weeks.


When is it appropriate to start applying progressively escalating sanctions? 

After participants have received adequate treatment and have stabilized. 


True or False

Participants should be placed in treatment based on a standardized assessment versus relying on professional judgment or discretion. 


Significantly better results are achieved when patients with substance use disorder are assigned to a level of care based on a standardized assessment of their treatment needs as opposed to relying on professional judgment or discretion (Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Babor & Del Boca, 2002; Karno & Longabaugh, 2007; Vieira et al., 2009). The most commonly used placement criteria are the American Society of Addiction Medicine Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders (ASAM-PPC; MeeLee et al., 2001)


What are the 5 criteria for this standard

A. Objective Eligibility & Exclusion Criteria

 B. High-Risk and High-Need Participants

 C. Validated Eligibility Assessments

 D. Criminal History Disqualifications 

E. Clinical Disqualifications


What are the 6 criteria of this standard? 

 A. Equivalent Access

 B. Equivalent Retention 

C. Equivalent Treatment 

D. Equivalent Incentives & Sanctions

 E. Equivalent Dispositions 

F. Team Training


What are the 8 criteria for this standard?

A. Professional Training

 B. Length of Term 

C. Consistent Docket 

D. Participation in Pre-Court Staff Meetings

 E. Frequency of Status Hearings 

F. Length of Court Interactions 

G. Judicial Demeanor 

H. Judicial Decision Making


What are the 12 criteria of this standard?

A. Advance Notice 

B. Opportunity to Be Heard

 C. Equivalent Consequences

 D. Professional Demeanor 

E. Progressive Sanctions 

F. Licit Addictive or Intoxicating Substances 

G. Therapeutic Adjustments 

H. Incentivizing Productivity

 I. Phase Promotion 

J. Jail Sanctions 

K. Termination

 L. Consequences of Graduation & Termination


What are the 10 criteria for this standard?

A. Continuum of Care

 B. In-Custody Treatment 

C. Team Representation

 D. Treatment Dosage & Duration

 E. Treatment Modalities

 F. Evidence-Based Treatments 

G. Medications 

H. Provider Training & Credentials

 I. Peer Support Groups

 J. Continuing Care
