What politician is responsible for Pete Wentz?
Joe Biden
What is the name of John Walker's fictional band?
Canadian History
Who is Jenna's top artist of all time on Spotify?
Taylor Swift
What is found on every street corner in New England?
Dunkin Donuts
What is Trey's favorite video game of all time?
The Legend of Zelda: BOTW/TOTK (Either answer acceptable).
Where did the real Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie likely first make love?
Myrtle Beach
Ryan Ross should never be trusted to _____.
Drive vehicles of any kind.
What is Jenna's favorite food?
NY Style Cheese Pizza
What is the best lemonade in the world?
Del's Lemonade.
What weird celebrity did Mikey meet at a Panic concert?
Vicky T
What is the name of Panic at the Disco's unreleased cabin album?
Cricket & Clover
What is the name of Ryan Ross's fictional band in Throam Vol 1?
The Followers
What did Jenna originally want to go to college for (when she was still in high school)?
Rhode Island is known for having horrible ____.
How many tattoos does Rose have?
In what state was Travie McCoy born?
New York
Where do Ryden kiss for the first time?
What are Jenna's three favorite albums of all time (in no particular order)?
Manic (Halsey), Man on the Moon (Cudi), and Forget What You Know (Midtown).
Who is Kari's favorite Huniepop girl?
Approximately how old was William Beckett in the infamous Gabilliam kiss photo?
What is the name of the tour Ryan and Brendon meet at?
Me, Jackie, and this Lady.
What time was Jenna born?
Autocrat is known as the main producer of ______.
Coffee Milk Syrup.
Bonus: What did Julia originally go to university for?
Medical sciences