What does PEMDAS stand for?
Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
This is the symbol for which group of mathematical numbers
The integers
This literary device compares two things using like or as
Samuel Clemens is the real name of this famous American Author whose pen name means to find the depth of water typically on a steam boat.
The 16th president of the United States.
(hint: he's important to our state)
Abraham Lincoln
What year did Americans (humans) first land on the moon
What was the original Netflix business model?
A mail-based movie rental system
Bonus Points: Who was the #1 Video rental business they put out of business
Where does Google get its name?
From 10100 known as a googol (Fun Fact: it was a mispelling)
This rock formed from volcanic eruptions makes up one of the 3 main rock types
Igneous Rocks
Calcium from the aqueducts in Roman water supply provided a protective shell against this metal commonly used at the time.
Is this a haiku?
What is Jeopardy
No one can really estimate
What the answer is
No it is not! 5-7-5 is a haiku.
Bonus points: Create a Haiku right now
What is the study of the origin of words and the way their meanings change?
This Chinese businessman was involved in the founding the Chamber of Commerce and worked hard to establish Chinatown's support networks
Who is Ping Tom
What is international workers' day and where does it get its name
May day (from the riots)
The title of the first video uploaded to YouTube
"Me at the zoo"
This federal organization regulates interstate and international communications through cable, radio, television, satellite and wire
What is the FCC? (Federal Communication Commission)
This organelle (piece of your cells) provides the energy for your body
What is the name and type of animal that was cloned first?
Dolly the sheep
Solve This Riddle:
What goes away as soon as you mention it?
What does the word milquetoast mean?
This famous vice president murdered a founding father (the one that ended up on the 10 dollar bill) in a duel in 1804
Aaron Burr
This person invented the first novel and at what time in history?
Murasaki Shikibu in 1000 A.D. wrote the Tale of Genji
Name 10 different Anime
*judges discretions*
Name 4 ways you could listen to music or watch a show before online streaming
Some possible answers:
VHS, DVD, Laserdisc, Mp3 player, CDs, Radio, Cable Television
This is the name of the spacecraft that have left our solar system
Voyager 1&2
Which civilization/country discovered the written concept of 0 first?
What word is used to describe a society that is undesirable, and in most cases, totalitarian or post-apocalyptic?
(hint: the hunger games and maze runner are these)
This classification system uses call numbers to break down and neatly organize any and every nonfiction book.
Dewey Decimal System
This Pharaoh's tomb was found nearly untouched leading to a major discovery in the Valley of Kings
King Tut (Tutankhamun)
This robber baron is an important part of the history of Chicago, his town/district was annexed into the city of Chicago after a rail strike investigation found him negligent in supporting his worker's freedoms
What year was Roblox founded/invented
This prominent camera company was indirectly put out of business by Instagram, ironically after refusing to purchase it back in the day.
What is Kodak
What is the phase of the moon here?
Waxing Gibbous
Watson and Crick take credit for discovering the double helix structure of DNA, but this woman is modernly accredited with the evidence necessary for the discovery
Rosalind Franklin
What is the difference between affect and effect
Affect is the verb in a sentence. Effect is a noun.
You affect something; you experience an effect.
What is a story told through letters?
(Hint: Frankenstein is this type of story)
Before the United Nations this was the organization that was attempting to form a worldwide, intergovernmental diplomatic group
League of Nations
This is the native location of potatoes in the world (and which people cultivated them)
The Andes Mountains and the Inca
Brawlstars is classified as this kind of game.
Hint: League, Valorant, CSGO are all this format of game
What is MOBA (Multiplayer online battle Arena)
This rapper donated $1,000,000 to Chicago Public Schools
Who is Chance the Rapper