Classifying Plants and Animals
Animal Systems
Plant and Animal Adaptations

Which does not belong?

All living things: 1. Are made of cells

2. Grow

3. Reproduce

4. Have five senses

5. Respond to the environment

4. Have five senses.
For 100 bonus points, what should this be changed to?


What is the main function of this part of the plant?

To gather water and nutrients from the soil.


What does a Vertebrate have that an Invertebrate does not have?

A backbone.


This system is responsible for delivering blood to all parts of the body.

1. Respiratory system

2. Digestive system

3. Endocrine system

4. Circulatory system

4. Circulatory system.

For 100 bonus points, name a major organ in the circulatory system.


Migration is common in birds. What is migration?

Moving from one place to another.

For 100 bonus points, is migration a learned trait or is it instinct?


A dog and a wolf are part of the same:

1. Kingdom

2. Species

1. Kingdom


Which part of the plant performs photosynthesis?

1. Stem

2. Flower

3. Leaves

4. Fruit

3. Leaves

For 200 bonus points, what is the name of the part inside a leaf cell that gathers sunlight?


An animal that walks on 4 legs is called a:

1. Biped

2. Tetrapod

2. Tetrapod

For 100 bonus points, give an example of a biped.


Is this animal warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

Cold blooded.

For 100 bonus points, does this animal have an open or a closed circulatory system?


What kind of adaptation is this?

1. Mimicry

2. Camouflage

2. Camouflage


Is this plant:

1. Vascular

2. Nonvascular

2. Nonvascular


What are the two functions of the stem?

Transport water and nutrients and support the plant.

For 100 bonus points, what is the name of the tube inside the stem that transports water up from the roots?


Is this animal a:

1. Chordate

2. Arthropod

1. Chordate

For 100 bonus points, what do all Chordates have in common?


The digestive system gets energy from food, but it also creates waste. Which system works with the digestive system to get rid of these wastes?

1. Endocrine system

2. Muscular system

3. Excretory system

4. Nervous system

3. Excretory system.

For 200 bonus points, name one other type of waste the excretory system gets rid of.


An male bird dancing around to attract a female bird is an example of:

1. Instinct

2. Camouflage

3. Mimicry

4. Migration

1. Instinct

For 100 bonus points, do animals have to learn instincts?


This unicellular organism lives inside an active volcano.

1. Archaea

2. Protist

3. Bacteria

1. Archaea

Where would you find the stoma in a leaf?

1. Lower epidermis

2. Upper epidermis

1. Lower epidermis

For 200 bonus points, what is the purpose of the stoma in a leaf?


Arthropoda make up the largest group in the animal kingdom.

Is this true or false?



Which system does this organ belong to?

1. Muscular system

2. Nervous system

3. Respiratory system

4. Digestive system

2. Nervous system.

For 300 bonus points, what is the name of the system that works closely with the nervous system to allow the body to react to stimuli?


What kind of an adaptation is insulation?

1. Mimicry

2. Camouflage

3. Climate

4. Instinct

3. Climate

For 200 bonus points, what does insulation prevent the transfer of.

For 100 bonus points, name an animal that has natural insulation.


Which Kingdom decomposes dead things?

1. Animal

2. Plant

3. Fungi

4. Protists

3. Fungi

For 100 bonus points, what do fungi cells have that is similar to plant cells?


What is the main function of the flower in a plant?


For 300 bonus points, what is the name of the male part of a plant that needs to get to the egg in a flower?


What does the term "Exoskeleton" mean?

The skeleton is on the outside of the body.

For 100 bonus points, name an animal that has an exoskeleton.


What are the 3 major functions that you can find in the Muscular System and the Skeletal System.

Movement, Support and Protection.


Viceroy butterflies are not poisonous. What method of adaptation have these butterflies used to avoid being eaten by predators?


For 100 bonus points, what is the name of the butterfly that the Viceroy is mimicking?
