After The Great War
The Roaring 20's
Hoover & The Great Depression
The New Deal
The Second New Deal
This president was elected after Wilson, running on a platform of a return to "normalcy." He died in office in 1923
Who is Warren G. Harding?
The term for the ban on alcoholic beverages as set forth in the 18th Amendment.
What is Prohibition?
The term for October 29, 1929. Commonly seen as the start of the Great Depression.
What is Black Tuesday?
A Senator from Louisiana. Originally a strong supporter of the New Deal, he created his own program called Share Our Wealth and criticized FDR.
Who is Huey Long?
Written by John Steinbeck, this novel is one of the most famous books about the Depression.
What is "The Grapes of Wrath"?
This limited immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe, our of a fear of foreign influences and racism.
What is the quota system?
He was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in his plane, "The Spirit of St. Louis"
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
This term refers to areas of the Great Plains hit by a long drought, which allowed the topsoil to be blown away by the wind.
What is the Dust Bowl?
This program put unemployed, unmarried young men to work planting trees, and building and upgrading state and national parks.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
Many people worried that this increased too much during the years of the FDR presidency.
What is the Federal Debt?
This term refered to the paranoia Americans had in the 1920s regarding communists, socialists and anarchists.
What is the Red Scare?
A literary and artistic movement that celebrated African-American culture. It produced poets such as Langston Hughes, and musicians such as Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong.
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
Thousands of WWI veterans who came to Washington D.C. in order to collect bonus money promised to make up for poor wartime pay. After camping near the capital, they were forced to leave when President Hoover ordered the Army to drive them away.
What is the Bonus Army?
As one of his first actions to combat the Depression, FDR declared this, hoping to prevent further bank failures.
What is a "bank holiday"?
This agency, created as part of the Second New Deal, was designed to create jobs as quickly as possible.
What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
Created by an American banker, this enabled Germany to repay its war debt to Britain and France with money borrowed from the United States.
What is the Dawes Plan?
Prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan, with the defense led by Clarence Darrow, this happened as a result of a Tennessee law that forbade teaching evolution in school.
What is the Scopes Monkey Trial?
This agency was created in 1932 to provide emergency relief to large businesses, insurance companies, and banks.
What is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)?
This law tried to help farmers by decreasing production in order to increase crop prices.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?
One of the most important and long lasting achievements of the New Deal. It created a system that provided retirement benefits for the elderly, unemployment compensation, and aid for the disabled.
What is the Social Security Act?
Passed in 1922, this protected American business from foreign competition, but made it impossible for Britain and France to sell their goods in the U.S.
What is the Fordney-McCumber Tariff?
This African American leader of the 1920's formed a black nationalist group called the United Negro Improvement Association.
Who is Marcus Garvey?
This law attempted to provide relief during the Depression by lowering mortgage rates and preventing foreclosures.
What is the Federal Home Loan Bank Act?
The law set codes of fair practice for industries, and guaranteed workers their right to organize unions.
What is the National Industrial Recovery Act?
This law created the first minimum wage, banned child labor in factories, and set a maximum work week of 44 hours.
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?