This form of art rejected tradition and believed that there was no sense or truth in the world
After the stock market collapse, this is the reason why it became a global crisis
The reliance upon the United States for loans - once the American economy collapsed, a domino effect occurred
This What Asian country emerged from World War I as a world power
After World War I, Africa was exploited in TWO distinct way by colonial powers
1) Ensuring that the costs of colonial administration were borne by the colonized AND 2) Developing export-oriented economies in which unprocessed raw materials or minimally processed crops were sent abroad
The Russian Civil War was fought between these two groups
Reds (communists/Bolsheviks) and Whites (supporters of the czar/counter-revolutionaries
He developed a way to understand human behavior by studying the subconscious mind
Sigmund Freud
Stalin's plan that emphasized heavy industry, set production quotas, and established central state planning of the entire economy.
Five Year Plan
A movement led by Chinese students and intellectuals against continued imperialism in China
May Fourth Movement
This Mexican artist, active in the Mexican Communist Party, blended artistic vision and radical political ideas in large murals
Diego Rivera
He led a revolutionary movement to overthrow Qing dynasty in China
Sun Yat-sen
Intellectuals saw this as the tyranny of the average people
This economist challenged classical economic theory that capitalism was self-correcting and operated best if unregulated
John M. Keynes
In order to survive an assault by the Nationalist Party, Mao and his communists retreated into northern China in what became known as the
Long March
Jamaican Pan-Africanists that called for the unification of all people of African descent into a single African state
Marcus Garvey
He wanted a secular western style democracy for Turkey BUT ruled as a dictator
Mustafa Kemal
Werner Heisenberg came up with this theory - scientists can’t observe the behavior of electrons objectively because the observer interfered with them
Uncertainty Principle
High tariffs, import quotas, and prohibitions/restrictions on trade are examples of this.
Economic Nationalism
Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) led this party in China
the Guomindang Party (The Nationalist Party)
Critics of American foreign policy in Latin America referred to it in TWO ways
"dollar diplomacy" and "Yankee imperialism"
This was a peasant rebellion in China that weakened the Qing Dynasty and led to the deaths of 20 million people.
Taiping Rebellion
Wrote A Farewell to Arms
Ernest Hemingway
Fascist policy towards solving economic problems which could be describesd as a union of government and private business
This incident in Manchuria, became pretext for Japanese attack against China
Mukden incident
ONE of the movements led by Gandhi that protested British rule
Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement
He was the opposition leader to Porfirio Diaz in Mexico and was backed by commanders Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata
Francisco Madero