The cultivation of grapes is called
What is Viticulture
Beginning with the letter 'P', these individuals rose up against alcohol abuse and supported the temperance movement
Who are the Prohibitionists
______is the form of alcohol that is responsible for the intoxicating effects of beer, wine and spirits
What is Ethanol
The study of wine and winemaking
What is enology
Is a restaurant runs out of an item; the chef will announce that the item is
What is 86'd
In most states DUI is defined as having a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of
What is 0.08%
This movement came about to discourse alcohol sales and consumption
What is the Temperance Movement
Beginning with the letter "C", The Prohibition Act made the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol illegal but not the ________
What is Consumption
The _______suggests that moderate wine consumption, which is typically of French cuisine, particularly of red wine, reduces rates of heart disease as well as the effects of high cholesterol and saturated fats in the diet.
What is the French Paradox